
Explore the new small business tax calculator

Every newly registered company in Hungary must choose a tax regime. Is the regular corporate tax or KIVA more beneficial for your company? Check out our new small business tax calculator, and let us help you make an informed decision.

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Business gifts in Hungary

They say it is better to give than to receive. It is certainly nice to present your business partners with something nice, but what written and unwritten rules pertain to business gifts in Hungary? Let’s find out the basics.

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Local business tax: how much do you need to pay?

At 9%, Hungarian corporate tax is one of the lowest in the European Union. However, depending on its registered seat, your Hungarian company will very likely to pay local business tax as well. As opposed to corporate tax, local business tax does not exist in other countries, so it is recommended to learn what it is and how much of it you can expect to pay.

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Issuing invoices in Hungary: reverse charge on VAT

Most business owners in Hungary are used to issuing and receiving invoices with value-added tax. When such an invoice is issued, the buyer must pay the gross amount, and later both parties submit a VAT report indicating the value added tax they received and paid. These two amounts determine whether the seller needs to forward any VAT to the tax authority. Reverse charge works the opposite way: the seller cannot charge VAT because it must be determined and paid by the buyer.

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Make sure to pay the BKIK contribution for 2021

If you have a business in Hungary, you may have received an e-mail from the Budapest Chamber of Commerce (BKIK) about your yearly contribution. This is a fee that all Hungarian companies must pay to support the operations of the Chamber of Commerce. But how much do you need to pay and what can you expect if you miss the deadline?

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Changes to taxation in Hungary in 2021 and 2022

Taxes in Hungary are adjusted every year, and the Parliament has recently decided about the next changes to taxation. Some of them will affect your business in Hungary – find out how!

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Selling services – when to charge VAT?

Whether your services are subject to VAT depends on who your customers are and where they are located. Since the applicable VAT rate also depends on the kind of services you sell, international service sales are a complex matter.

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Global minimum tax to be introduced soon?

Talks of a global minimum tax have recently become a hot topic after several international players proposed it. In May both the USA and the OECD made mentions of such a tax, and in June the G7 made a commitment towards its introduction. However, Hungary is against it, for now.

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Development tax benefit for your Hungarian SME

The development tax benefit allows Hungarian SMEs realizing certain investments to decrease their corporate tax by up to 80%. The mechanism is simple: you can reduce your corporate tax by a certain portion of the amount you invested.

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Hungary cuts taxes on cryptocurrencies by 50%

The new regulation features a separate section about cryptocurrencies in the act on personal income tax. What remains unchanged is that you only need to pay taxes when you exchange your cryptocurrencies for “traditional” currencies such as euros or forints.

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