
Did you know that Budapest is Central Europe’s film capital?

These days Hungary is quite a popular filming location for international blockbusters due to the advanced infrastructure, the attractive tax constructions, and the stunning locations. There is a chance that at least part of your favorite movie was shot here too.

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Hungarian residency for financially independent persons

While this is a residency option available in several European countries, there is no such program in Hungary. However, you can still choose from several options; get an overview here.

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Mayday or Labor Day? What is celebrated on 1 May in Hungary?

If you look at your Hungarian calendar, you will see 1 May marked in red ink, and indicated as Labor Day. It is a public holiday in Hungary, and it is celebrated by various festivities, amusements, parades, and sometimes – demonstrations? How does that make sense?

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Helpers moves to a new office – see you in Budapart

After spending 10 years at the Buda Business Center, the Helpers Office is moving to Budapart, the new business district rising in the southern part of Budapest.

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Local and EP elections Hungary 2024 – Can you vote?

If you have a Hungarian address card, you might already be registered to vote at the upcoming elections. Vote and make an impact on your community.

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Tax returns season coming up in Hungary

Tax returns season is starting soon in Hungary. Drafts created by the Tax Authority become available next week; the deadline for submission is 21 May 2024.

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Forecast coming up about Hungarian economy in 2024

The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected soon.

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Helpers extends operations to Serbia

Helpers is proud to announce that we are now extending our operation to Serbia. We are now offering the same high quality business and immigration services, supported by local know-how and a network of Serbian experts.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2024, Hungary

This year, the minimum wage was increased by 15%, while the guaranteed minimum salary by 10%. No changes were made to payroll taxes in 2024, but there have been some changes to the SZÉP Card.

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Hungarian Nobel Prize winners

Hungary has given the world several Nobel Prize winners, who each contributed to making the world a better place through their significant contributions to science and art. Unfortunately, many of them achieved their successes while working outside Hungary. Some of them were not born in Hungary, but are considered Hungarian due to their upbringing and ancestry.

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