
NACE, or TEÁOR in Hungarian, is a classification of economic activities that is used in Europe to make statistics about what businesses do and where their income is from. The latest NACE update came into force as of 1 January 2025, and it might mean a few additional tasks for you and your accountant.
The post NACE update 2025: Rev. 2.1 introduced throughout the EU appeared first on Helpers Finance.

Starting from 16 January 2025, the old Ügyfélkapu system will no longer function as an access to government portals in Hungary. Instead, you should switch either to Ügyfélkapu+ or the DÁP app to access electronic administration.
The post What is the DÁP app? New form of gateway introduced to electronic administration in Hungary appeared first on Helpers Hungary.

Qvik payment is free of transaction fee, which can significantly reduce the costs of sellers, while it offers customers the convenience of paying with a bank card.
The post Qvik payment: New mobile payment option in Hungary appeared first on Helpers Finance.

Retirement age in Hungary is 65 years, after which everyone can receive pension from the state. However, people are allowed to work even if they pass that age. In fact, employing pensioners is encouraged by various tax benefits.
The post Why to employ pensioners at your Hungarian company? appeared first on Helpers Finance.

When it comes to Hungarian labor rights, commuting means that an employee lives in a settlement different from where their workplace is located. When that happens, the employee is eligible for the reimbursement of their commute expenses.
The post Am I obligated to pay for my employee’s commute expenses? appeared first on Helpers Finance.

Are you worried about the new Hungarian immigration law? Are you looking for rock solid information? Not sure who to trust? You can ask the Hungarian Immigration Office directly.
The post When in doubt, ask the Immigration Office directly appeared first on HELPERS.

Are you worried about the new Hungarian immigration law? Are you looking for rock solid information? Not sure who to trust? You can ask the Hungarian Immigration Office directly.
The post When in doubt, ask the Immigration Office directly appeared first on Helpers Hungary.

CSOK Plus, the 2024 edition of the Hungarian family housing allowance and prenatal loan program is giving a new boost to the local real estate market. Read on for a summary on the program and its latest impact.
The post CSOK Plus and the Hungarian real estate market in 2024 appeared first on Helpers Finance.

The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected soon.
The post Forecast coming up about Hungarian economy in 2024 appeared first on Helpers Finance.

The application of preferred shares at a Hungarian company can obscure the ultimate beneficial owner of the business. This can protect their privacy, but it decreases transparency and might attract the scrutiny of the authorities.
The post Preferred shares at your Hungarian company appeared first on Helpers Finance.