
As of January 1, 2025, the revenue cap for VAT exemption is increased to HUF 18 million in Hungary. This is great news to small businesses, since price increases of the last few years would have otherwise forced them to become VAT subjects.
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In Hungary, the minimum wage is increased every year so it can remain a living wage against inflation. In line with this, the minimum wage is increased again as of 1 January 2025. Read on to see how this will affect your Hungarian business.
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The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected soon.
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Like every year, minimum wages have recently been adjusted to offset the impact of inflation. The minimum wage was increased by ca. 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by ca. 10%. There have been no changes to payroll taxes in 2024. At the same time, there are some new features for the SZÉP Card.
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The Hungarian government has announced the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum salary for 2024. The gross minimum wage will increase by 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by 10%. The increase is implemented early, as of 1 December 2023.
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The number of yearly tax inspections conducted by the Hungarian Tax Authority has been steadily increasing over the past few years. The most popular tax inspected continues to be VAT, since it is a major contributor to the national budget. If your company operation is compliant with regulations, you have nothing to worry about.
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Money left on a regular bank account pays hardly any interests, while making investments through a securities account can even increase their value, especially in a high inflation environment like that of Hungary these days.
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Based on data from 2022 and H1 2023, analysts expect yearly inflation in Hungary to be reduced below 10% by December. Even in the worst case scenario, the yearly average inflation in 2023 will not be higher than 19%.
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As one of the government measures intended to boost the economy, the use of the SZÉP card will be extended again. Starting from 1 August, customers can use their card for buying groceries. This way you as an employer can also provide better fringe benefits to your Hungarian employees.
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As another measure aiming to reduce inflation, Hungary is now introducing mandatory discounts for retail stores selling food, groceries, and the like. The first discounts under this scheme must start on 1 June 2023. Will this affect your business? Read on to find out.
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