
How many citizenships does Hungary allow?

The short answer is: Hungary does not limit the number of citizenships its citizen may hold at the same time. You can have Hungarian citizenship as your second or third citizenship. However, this does not automatically mean that you can hoard citizenships without consequences.

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VAT rates in Hungary

In Europe, VAT is a tax on consumption, added to the net price of goods. Standard VAT rates are different in each EU member state and depend on the type of goods or services. If you trade internationally, calculating VAT will be an essential part of your accounting and bookkeeping.

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Which work permit types are relevant to your Hungarian company?

Under the new Hungarian immigration law that came into force this year, the Hungarian work permit has been split into several categories. Which work permit types will be relevant to your Hungarian company?

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Wage supplements and overtime in Hungary

When you operate a Hungarian company, planning your budget should include planning for payroll costs. Depending on your business model, you might need to apply wage supplements from time to time, so it is worth getting familiar with them.

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Hungarian residency options for non-EU citizens under the new immigration law

As of 1 January 2024, new Hungarian residency options are available to third-country nationals living in Hungary or planning to move here.

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CSOK Plus and the Hungarian real estate market in 2024

CSOK Plus, the 2024 edition of the Hungarian family housing allowance and prenatal loan program is giving a new boost to the local real estate market. Read on for a summary on the program and its latest impact.

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Forecast coming up about Hungarian economy in 2024

The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected soon.

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US-Hungarian double taxation treaty canceled – what to watch out for?

The agreement remained in force until 31 December 2023, but now it is not applicable anymore. In response, Hungary has introduced some changes to tax regulations to mitigate the impact.

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Existing and upcoming investment residency options in Hungary

Last week a new golden visa program was announced in Hungary, going live in 2024 (exact date not known yet). However, Hungarian residency is already available based on real estate investment. Should you wait for the new program, or should you act now? Read on to find out.

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Wine products no longer subject to representation tax in Hungary

Starting from the middle of November 2023, wine products sold by vineyards will be exempt from representation tax in Hungary. The decision is expected to give a boost to the wine sector at the end of the year.

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