
Hungarian people in the U.S. eligible for Hungarian citizenship

Currently more than 1.4 million people living in the U.S. consider themselves Hungarian. Thanks to the Citizenship Act of Hungary, most of them are eligible for Hungarian citizenship, and with that, for a passport that grants visa-free travel to 185 countries around the world.

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How much time does it take to become an EU citizen by descent?

If you are looking for an EU passport, you might start by taking a look at your family tree. Many EU countries offer citizenship if one or more of your ancestors were local citizens. The procedure varies country by country, meaning not only requirements but also processing time.

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Austria-Hungary and your Hungarian citizenship

If you are applying for Hungarian citizenship based on ancestry, there is a chance that your ancestor was not born in present-day Hungary. This is because the territory of Hungary shrank significantly after World War I, whereas its predecessor, Austria-Hungary sprawled over most of Central Europe. If your ancestor identified as Hungarian, however, you may still qualify for citizenship without problems.

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Marital status and changing family names in Hungary

Family names reflect that a certain set of people belongs together. In Hungary, children traditionally wear their fathers’ family name, while women also often change their name upon getting married. Knowledge about how this works may come in handy not only when preparing for your life in Hungary, but also when researching family documents for …

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Census in Hungary in 2022 and beyond

Every ten years, there is a census in Hungary so both the government and we as a society can get a better overview of who lives here. There is a census happening right now until the end of November, and it is supposed to be the last traditional census in Hungary. Please note: Helpers is …

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Genealogy research for Hungarian citizenship

If you are applying for Hungarian citizenship based on your ancestry, you will need the right documents to prove your eligibility. Should you need help obtaining them, worry not: as part of our genealogy research service, a trusted partner of ours can dig through archives to find every available document to support your application. How …

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Family tree research in Hungary

Need someone to recover old family documents that connect you to your Hungarian ancestors? Look no further! Our family tree research team is here to help.

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Hungarian names: a quick guide

Just like Hungarian language, Hungarian names are different from what you have in the rest of Europe. This goes for word order, naming conventions, and name structure too. Read on to get a quick overview of naming conventions in Hungary. Word order in Hungarian names First of all, Hungarian names are back to front (compared …

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I’m part Hungarian based on my DNA profile – can I become a citizen?

DNA test kits have become increasingly popular over the past few years offering valuable information about your family history and ethnic origins. But can you base a citizenship application on your DNA profile? DNA profile and ancestry Did you get “Hungarian” as a result in your DNA test? You might be eligible for citizenship! Unfortunately, …

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What is Trianon to Hungarians?

There is a saying “You know you are Hungarian if Trianon hurts”. But what is Trianon to Hungarians, and why should it hurt? Learn a bit of Hungarian history with us, and get a better understanding of what binds us all together. What is Trianon? The Grand Trianon is a palace in Versailles, France. After …

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