
Company modification tips Hungary – Address change

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer helps you change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases you need this procedure is when there is a change to the address of any of the owners and main executives.

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Company modification tips Hungary – Hiring an auditor

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer’s help you can change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases when you need this procedure is when your company is hiring an auditor.

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Choose the right name for your Hungarian business

When you set up your business in Hungary, your company will need a name which clearly identifies it and which distinguishes it from competitors. A Hungarian company name must be unique, correct, and appropriate. What does that mean? Read on to find out.

The post Choose the right name for your Hungarian business appeared first on Company Formation.

VAT rates in Hungary

In Europe, VAT is a tax on consumption, added to the net price of goods. Standard VAT rates are different in each EU member state and depend on the type of goods or services. If you trade internationally, calculating VAT will be an essential part of your accounting and bookkeeping.

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CSOK Plus and the Hungarian real estate market in 2024

CSOK Plus, the 2024 edition of the Hungarian family housing allowance and prenatal loan program is giving a new boost to the local real estate market. Read on for a summary on the program and its latest impact.

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Forecast coming up about Hungarian economy in 2024

The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected soon.

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New Hungarian proposal promotes the employment of foreigners in digital companies

According to a new proposal, digital companies where more than 60% of the employees are third-country nationals could enjoy significant tax benefits.

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Helpers extends operations to Serbia

Helpers is proud to announce that we are now extending our operation to Serbia. We are now offering the same high quality business and immigration services, supported by local know-how and a network of Serbian experts.

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Public holidays in Serbia in 2024

On public holidays, employees might not be required to work, or they should receive extra payment for the same task. Moreover, opening hours for certain services may change as well, which can also affect your business.

2024 tax changes affecting businesses in Hungary

A new year has started, and again tax regulations are updated and clarified in Hungary. There are no major tax changes this year, but make sure to read our overview and ask your accountant if there is anything you should pay special attention to this year.

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