Staffing Solutions

Public holidays in Serbia in 2024

On public holidays, employees might not be required to work, or they should receive extra payment for the same task. Moreover, opening hours for certain services may change as well, which can also affect your business.

Bank holidays in Hungary in 2024

Learn about all the holidays and special days when your business is supposed to be closed, or when special wage supplements need to be provided to employees working on these occasions.

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Heating at the office – winter work safety in Hungary

While fall is warm and mild this year, we are already in the season where heaters will inevitably be switched on all over Hungary. Since temperature is an essential element of an appropriate working environment, heating at the office will play an important role in the health as well as the productivity of your employees.

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New guest worker law creates new route to Hungarian residency

Hungary is introducing a new type of residency starting from 1 November 2023. In specific cases, third country nationals who will be employed in Hungary may apply for guest worker residency instead of the combined residency and work permit. They can expect a simplified procedure, while they will be losing some perks.

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Air-conditioning at the office – Summer work safety in Hungary

Summer is on us, which means air-conditioning is being turned on in most offices and other places of business. Since the temperature of the work environment affects the health as well as the productivity of the work force, it is regulated by law to ensure the well-being of your employees.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2023, Hungary

With the ca. 15% increase to minimum wages in Hungary, you must make sure that the salaries you pay your employees are still above the required minimum, and adjust salaries and labor contracts as necessary.

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Bank holidays in Hungary 2023

Make sure you are aware of all the holidays and special days when your business is supposed to be closed, or special wage supplements are to be paid to your employees working despite.

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3 recruitment mistakes to avoid at your Hungarian company

Learn how to avoid the most typical recruitment mistakes, and reduce the time, stress, and costs related to making new hires at your Hungarian company.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2022, Hungary

The minimum wage has been raised to HUF 200,000 gross, while the social contribution tax has been reduced to 13%. At the same time, personal income tax for persons younger than 25 has been abolished.

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Bank holidays in 2022 Hungary

If you operate a business in Hungary, you should be aware of bank holidays, when employees are not required to work normal working hours, and customers usually do not expect normal business hours. There are 13 of these each year, sometimes supplemented by extra rest days to create 4-day long weekends.

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