
Hungarian residency for financially independent persons

While this is a residency option available in several European countries, there is no such program in Hungary. However, you can still choose from several options; get an overview here.

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Guest investor visa and guest investor residency in Hungary

While the new Hungarian investment immigration program is simply referred to as a “golden visa” program, there is a difference between guest investor visa and guest investor residency.

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KGFB: motor third-party liability insurance in Hungary

Motor third party liability insurance is required for every motor vehicle running on public roads in Hungary. This type of insurance is called KGFB in Hungarian, and you can switch providers once a year: in November.

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ETIAS and EES: new timeline announced for European border control

The ETIAS and the EES are electronic administrative systems that were meant to provide better European border control. Their introduction has again been pushed back, this time to the end of 2024.

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When do you need a Van der Elst visa?

If you have a Hungarian company with third-country nationals working for you in Hungary, they might need a Van der Elst visa when they are posted to another EU country. Get a quick overview of how that works.

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No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023

After pandemic related restrictions have been phased out (and have not been reintroduced over some time), the Hungarian government has determined that there is no more need for immunity cards, so they will not print any more of them.

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Henley Passport Index 2023: Hungary still in Top 10

This year again, Hungary ranks in the Top 10 of the Henley Passport Index, making it one of the most desired passports around the world. Read on to learn what that means and how you can take advantage of it.

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EES 2023: new EU travel rules coming soon

A new IT solution is planned to be introduced in Europe that is supposed to simplify the monitoring of who enters and leaves the EU. The Entry/Exit System, or EES for short, is planned to be implemented starting from May 2023, and it would replace the current passport stamping practice.

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From January 2023, you need to carry fewer documents when driving in Hungary

You will not need to have your driver’s license and the vehicle registration on you when driving in Hungary if both documents were issued here. You will still be required to have valid ID documents on you.

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International driver’s license in Hungary

You need an international driver’s license only if you visit a country that is not a member of the EU or the Vienna Convention. Learn how to get it.

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