Company Formation

Company modification tips Hungary – Address change

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer helps you change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases you need this procedure is when there is a change to the address of any of the owners and main executives.

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Company modification tips Hungary – Hiring an auditor

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer’s help you can change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases when you need this procedure is when your company is hiring an auditor.

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Choose the right name for your Hungarian business

When you set up your business in Hungary, your company will need a name which clearly identifies it and which distinguishes it from competitors. A Hungarian company name must be unique, correct, and appropriate. What does that mean? Read on to find out.

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New immigration law in Hungary – Will it affect your business setup?

Hungary has introduced a new immigration law that came into force on 1 January 2024. It will not affect Hungarian company setup, which will remain available to all nationalities. However, it will affect residency applications for the managing director, the employees, and their family members.

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The share of foreign-owned companies on the Hungarian market

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office publishes reports regularly about various topics, including the developments in Hungarian economy. Read a short summary of the latest reports to see how foreign-owned companies are doing in Hungary, and that Hungary has room for your business too.

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Company setup or freelancing in Hungary? Learn the pros and cons of each

Are you planning to do business in Hungary? You have several options – you just need an idea for your operation, and find the business form that suits it best. Company formation or self-employment? VAT or no VAT? Which tax regime? Let’s give you a crash course.

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Foreign-owned companies in Hungary in numbers

Foreign-owned companies have been contributing massively to Hungarian economy over the last fifteen years. Get an overview of what this means in numbers, and consider how your business might fit a niche on the Hungarian market.

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Trademark law modified in Hungary as of January 2023

Hungarian trademark law has just been updated to better harmonize with EU regulations and other relevant Hungarian law. This means several small changes to the existing law, mostly with practical considerations, making the trademark registration process smoother than before.

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Are you an online retailer with customers in the EU?

Set up an EU company that can handle VAT registration and payment for you through the IOSS. Save on your costs and offer better prices as well as better experience to your customers.

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