As of January 1, 2025, the revenue cap for VAT exemption is increased to HUF 18 million in Hungary. This is great news to small businesses, since price increases of the last few years would have otherwise forced them to become VAT subjects.
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The Hungarian Parliament has recently accepted the law governing taxes in Hungary in 2025. In our second article on changes being introduced next year, you can discover the 2025 tax changes most relevant to your Hungarian business operation.
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Fall and the new school year is on us. This is the season for new rentals and rental renewals, so we prepared a quick summary about rentals, taxes, and VAT on rentals in Hungary. Taxes depend on who is renting out the property As a rule of thumb, the taxes you pay depend on the …
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Your Hungarian company will most likely be a VAT subject, which means you will have to add VAT, or Value Added Tax to your sales. You will also be paying VAT on your purchases, but you will be able to reclaim VAT later. VAT in Hungary When you are making purchases on Hungary, the sales …
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In Europe, VAT is a tax on consumption, added to the net price of goods. Standard VAT rates are different in each EU member state and depend on the type of goods or services. If you trade internationally, calculating VAT will be an essential part of your accounting and bookkeeping.
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A new year has started, and again tax regulations are updated and clarified in Hungary. There are no major tax changes this year, but make sure to read our overview and ask your accountant if there is anything you should pay special attention to this year.
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The number of yearly tax inspections conducted by the Hungarian Tax Authority has been steadily increasing over the past few years. The most popular tax inspected continues to be VAT, since it is a major contributor to the national budget. If your company operation is compliant with regulations, you have nothing to worry about.
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Starting a business in Hungary is very easy. Registration is done in 4-5 business days, and you immediately get an EU VAT number as well, so you can start trading in no time. You only need a bank account to manage your finances, and you are ready to go. But what else to consider before setting up? Here is a list of the most important things – with which our team will be happy to help.
The post 11+1 things to consider before starting a business in Hungary appeared first on Company Formation.

Are you planning to do business in Hungary? You have several options – you just need an idea for your operation, and find the business form that suits it best. Company formation or self-employment? VAT or no VAT? Which tax regime? Let’s give you a crash course.
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Are you planning to do business in Hungary? You have several options – you just need an idea for your operation, and find the business form that suits it best. Company formation or self-employment? VAT or no VAT? Which tax regime? Let’s give you a crash course.
The post Company setup or freelancing in Hungary? Learn the pros and cons of each appeared first on Helpers Hungary.