
State aid: 3-month allowance to protect jobs with reduced working hours in Hungary

As part of the economic relief measures in Hungary related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government will provide an allowance for 3 months for income lost due to reduced working hours.

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Economic relief measures in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Hungarian government introduced the following economic relief measures to alleviate the burdens posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and make sure it is easier for everyone to get through these difficult times and pick up work once the situation clears up:

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KIVA, the small business tax in Hungary

KIVA, or the small business tax benefits companies in the service industry in Hungary. It is best for companies selling their expertise instead of goods.

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2020 changes to taxation relevant for your Hungarian SME

Are you operating a company in Hungary? Then get ready for 2020, and learn about the changes to regulations that might be relevant to your operation, including VAT, KIVA, and the minimum wage.

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VAT rates in Hungary

In Hungary, the rate of VAT is usually 27%. There are some special product types where VAT rates are lower. Before you start trading in Hungary, make sure you know how much VAT you must pay to the tax authority in order to properly adjust your margins.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2020, Hungary

2020 has just started, and the new regulation for Hungarian payroll taxes and salaries are in. The most significant change is the increase of the minimum wage.

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Family allowance in Hungary

Family allowance is one of the best-known child benefits in Hungary, a general financial support paid directly by the state to all families bringing up children.

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How to reduce payroll taxes in Hungary in 2019?

Employ disadvantaged workers and reduce the payroll taxes your Hungarian company pays to make your Hungarian operation more cost-effective.

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Salaries and Payroll Taxes in H2 2019, Hungary

As of 1 July 2019 the Employer’s payroll tax decreased from 21% to 19%. This is thanks to the decrease of the social contribution tax from 19.5% to 17.5%, as it is a major element of the payroll tax (the other is the vocational training contribution tax at 1.5%).

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Taxing distance selling in the EU

What is distance selling? How is distance selling taxed in the EU? When exactly do I have to register for VAT in the other EU member state? Learn more

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