
Stay on top of the October economic trends and investment options in Hungary

How to make the most of your money is never an easy question. Especially under the current, unprecedented circumstances, among a pandemic, war, and increasing energy costs, it is increasingly difficult to make the right investment decisions. Read on to get an overview of the most prominent economic trends in Hungary in October 2022. Inflation …

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Changes to the Hungarian real estate landscape in September 2022

Real estate is traditionally considered a safe investment. Prices are constantly on the rise, at least to the keep up with inflation. Now, after more than 2 years of pandemic and half a year of war, prices are still increasing in Hungary, while new patterns of demand are emerging due to a recent change in …

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Working hours for student residency holders increased in Hungary

Third-country nationals studying in Hungary are allowed to work beside their studies. The number of officially approved working hours has just increased, so now you are allowed to work 30 hours a week without forfeiting your student residency.

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Double taxation treaty cancelled between the US and Hungary

Early July, the U.S. canceled the double taxation treaty between Hungary and the U.S. Unless a new treaty is signed over the next year or so, natural persons and entities that have income from both the U.S. and Hungary will face a significant tax increase starting from January 2024. Double taxation treaty with the U.S. …

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EKHO, the simplified tax for creative professions

EKHO is short for Simplified Tax and Contribution (“Egyszerűsített Közteherviselési Hozzájárulás”) in Hungary. It is a favorable tax regime aimed at creators in various fields intended to promote Hungarian culture. Learn its basics, and find the list of professions that can make you eligible. EKHO is for natural persons The beneficiaries of the EKHO tax …

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Hungarian residency options for non-EU citizens

The Hungarian residence permit is issued based on your plans in Hungary. The procedure will be slightly different in each case, and different supporting documents will be required. The application procedure usually takes 2-3 months, so make sure to apply in time.

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KATA alternatives for limited partnerships: TAO, KIVA, EKHO

While flat-rate taxation is a cost-effective alternative for self-employed KATA orphans from September, it is not available for limited partnerships. Instead, they may consider whether TAO, KIVA and/or EKHO are suitable alternatives for their company. Limited partnerships in Hungary The limited partnership (“betéti társaság” or “BT”) in Hungary is a popular form of company for …

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Options for KATA taxpayers starting from September

After new restrictions on the KATA tax regime made it impossible for many current KATA taxpayers to continue doing business under the same rules, we have compiled a set of options they can choose instead, complete with drawbacks and pitfalls. KATA: the tax for small taxpayers 10 years ago, KATA was introduced to encourage people …

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KATA changes introduced in the middle of the year

On 12 July 2022, just one day after its proposal, the Hungarian Parliament has accepted the new KATA law that will affect more than 430,000 taxpayers in Hungary, most of who will no longer be eligible for this tax regime starting from 1 September.

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