Minimum Wage

Salaries and payroll taxes in 2024, Hungary

This year, the minimum wage was increased by 15%, while the guaranteed minimum salary by 10%. No changes were made to payroll taxes in 2024, but there have been some changes to the SZÉP Card.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2024, Hungary

Like every year, minimum wages have recently been adjusted to offset the impact of inflation. The minimum wage was increased by ca. 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by ca. 10%. There have been no changes to payroll taxes in 2024. At the same time, there are some new features for the SZÉP Card.

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Minimum wage in Hungary in 2024

The Hungarian government has announced the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum salary for 2024. The gross minimum wage will increase by 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by 10%. The increase is implemented early, as of 1 December 2023.

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2024 changes to taxes in Hungary

Last week the 2024 changes to taxes in Hungary were announced. While the package a number of tax increases to counter inflation, most taxes directly relevant to doing business, such as corporate tax and payroll taxes remain the same. Read on to see what’s new.

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2023 tax changes in Hungary

Are you an expat living, working, or doing business in Hungary? Then it is best if you keep an eye on changes to regulations in case any of them are relevant to you.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2023, Hungary

With the ca. 15% increase to minimum wages in Hungary, you must make sure that the salaries you pay your employees are still above the required minimum, and adjust salaries and labor contracts as necessary.

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Minimum wage in Hungary in 2023

The Hungarian minimum wage has just been increased with ca. 15% for 2023, which will affect not only payroll costs, but also various other tax items tied to the minimum wage. Read on to find out which of these will matter for your Hungarian business. Minimum wage and guaranteed minimum salary In Hungary, there are …

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Taxes in Hungary 2023

As the end of the year is creeping closer, it is worth starting to prepare for the new year. January is traditionally the season for the introduction of new tax regulations. Read on to find out about the expected changes to taxes in Hungary in 2023. Flat-rate taxation Starting from next year, the conditions for …

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EKHO, the simplified tax for creative professions

EKHO is short for Simplified Tax and Contribution (“Egyszerűsített Közteherviselési Hozzájárulás”) in Hungary. It is a favorable tax regime aimed at creators in various fields intended to promote Hungarian culture. Learn its basics, and find the list of professions that can make you eligible. EKHO is for natural persons The beneficiaries of the EKHO tax …

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KATA alternatives for limited partnerships: TAO, KIVA, EKHO

While flat-rate taxation is a cost-effective alternative for self-employed KATA orphans from September, it is not available for limited partnerships. Instead, they may consider whether TAO, KIVA and/or EKHO are suitable alternatives for their company. Limited partnerships in Hungary The limited partnership (“betéti társaság” or “BT”) in Hungary is a popular form of company for …

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