
Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

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Invest in a real estate fund and get Hungarian residency for 10 years

In the Hungarian golden visa program, one of the options that lets you and your family get EU residency and a Schengen visa for 10 years is a EUR 250,000 investment in a real estate fund. But how does that work?

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Hungarian residency options for non-EU citizens under the new immigration law

As of 1 January 2024, new Hungarian residency options are available to third-country nationals living in Hungary or planning to move here.

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When in doubt, ask the Immigration Office directly

Are you worried about the new Hungarian immigration law? Are you looking for rock solid information? Not sure who to trust? You can ask the Hungarian Immigration Office directly.

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Guest investor visa and guest investor residency in Hungary

In the new Hungarian golden visa program, you will need both a guest investor visa and a guest investor resident permit. But what is the difference and how do they work? Find out more below.

Local and EP elections Hungary 2024 – Can you vote?

If you have a Hungarian address card, you might already be registered to vote at the upcoming elections. Vote and make an impact on your community.

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Implementation decree published for the new immigration law

The new immigration law of Hungary has been in force since 1 January 2024, and finally the implementation decree was also published on 29 February.

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Start looking for a house for your Hungarian golden visa

Interested in getting a Hungarian golden visa by buying property? The application period for the Hungarian golden visa program does not start until July 2024, but it is wise to start looking for residential real estate in Hungary now.

Henley Passport Index 2024: Hungarian passport 7th best in world

In 2024, Hungary ranks again among the Top 10 on the Henley Passport Index that lists the most desired passports around the world.

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New immigration law in Hungary – Will it affect your business setup?

Hungary has introduced a new immigration law that came into force on 1 January 2024. It will not affect Hungarian company setup, which will remain available to all nationalities. However, it will affect residency applications for the managing director, the employees, and their family members.

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