
Green taxation trends in Europe boosting the economy

How to boost the economy during recession, like the one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? Scandinavian countries have found a recipe that has let them remodel their economy: green taxation.

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AI and automation in accounting

Automation in accounting, just in any other fields, aims at removing simple and repetitive tasks from the workload of specialists, so they can focus on tasks that require more expertise and creativity. Adding AI to the mix will be a next step that enables an even higher level of automation and increase in efficiency.

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Trademark registration in Hungary and in the EU

Got a cool logo or a witty slogan? Why not register them as trademarks? If you want your company’s name, logo or slogan protected by Hungarian or European law, you can start the trademark registration now and get your company the proper recognition.

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New service structure makes Helpers services more transparent

Even good things need to be reviewed from time to time to ensure they still meet current needs. This is why we revised how are services are structured at – to make sure it is really easy for you to find whatever you need. Check out our new menu!

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Setting up an online business in the EU

When you plan to sell your goods or services exclusively online, you have more freedom to choose the country where you set up your business. Within Europe, Hungary offers more than just membership in the EU and the Schengen zone. It has a fast and simple incorporation process, an automatic EU VAT number, and the lowest corporate tax rate in the EU.

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Trading electronic devices in the EU

A large number of companies whose main business is trading electronic devices in the EU choose to have their headquarters in Hungary. Here is an overview of all the advantages available to you.

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Best location for trading business in Europe

When looking for the best country to set up your trading business in Europe, Hungary stands out for several reasons. Low taxes, a strategic location, well-developed infrastructure and low business costs make it an ideal place to set up your trading business.

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Which is the best country for start-ups in Europe?

Many say that Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is on its way to become the next start-up hub of Europe. This is not surprising when you consider the most important things for a start-up: being cost-effective, attracting top talent and retaining their motivated employees. Let’s see how setting up your startup in Hungary helps you with these goals.

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Where to set up a telecom company in the EU

Hungary is an ideal place for setting up your telecom company. It is a hotbed of engineering expertise, boasts great providers, an advanced infrastructure, and very affordable business and living costs.

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Pagony, so much more than a bookstore

Pagony is not a bookstore. It is a space where you can spend some quality time: browse books, try board games, participate in various activities – and, from next Friday on, drink a cup of coffee. – An interview with the managing directors.

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