Child Benefits

2024 changes to taxes in Hungary

Last week the 2024 changes to taxes in Hungary were announced. While the package a number of tax increases to counter inflation, most taxes directly relevant to doing business, such as corporate tax and payroll taxes remain the same. Read on to see what’s new.

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Tax benefits in Hungary

While personal income tax in Hungary is 15% for everyone, various tax benefits may be applied to that based on age, marital status, and other circumstances. Get an overview of the most important tax benefits below so you will know when you or your employees can get more out of your gross salary.

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Changes to taxation in Hungary in 2022

We have already written about most changes to taxation in Hungary 2022 – most of which are tied to the ongoing pandemic and the government’s efforts to increase the purchase power of salaries while also creating a more favorable business environment for companies. Now see a summary of the changes, with links to the more …

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Personal income tax refund for families in 2022

The personal income tax refund for families, first floated in June, has recently been finalized. Anyone raising children in Hungary can expect a refund on their personal income tax paid in 2021, reimbursed early 2022. Are you eligible? How much to expect? Find out below! Who is eligible for the personal income tax refund? The …

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NÉTAK: the tax benefit of mothers of four or more

NÉTAK gives mothers of four or more children an exemption from paying personal income tax. They will earn more while the employer’s costs related to their salary do not increase, making NÉTAK beneficial for both employer and employee.

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Child benefits most relevant for employment in Hungary

The family allowance is paid directly to the parents of eligible children. It is the basis of the family tax benefit, which reduces the amount of taxes on the gross salary of employees.

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When and who to report changes connected to child benefits (family allowance and family tax benefit)

It is your task as a responsible parent to keep track of your and your children’s status and report any changes to the authorities AND to your employer’s accountant to make sure you receive the right amount of child benefits.

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Family allowance in Hungary

Family allowance is one of the best-known child benefits in Hungary, a general financial support paid directly by the state to all families bringing up children.

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Family tax benefit: the child benefit in Hungary relevant for salary calculation

In Hungary, there are many forms of child benefit. The two most important are the family allowance (“családi pótlék”) and the family tax benefit (“családi adókedvezmény”). The basis of both is how many children someone takes care of, either as a parent or a guardian, and how many of them are eligible for child benefit. …

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