
Fringe benefits in Hungary – Cafeteria 2018

Apart from salary, employees can receive a “non-salary compensation”. The various fringe benefits or cafeteria elements offer more favorable taxation options than regular salary – this is why many employers decide to offer cafeteria to their employees.

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Setting up an online business in the EU

When you plan to sell your goods or services exclusively online, you have more freedom to choose the country where you set up your business. Within Europe, Hungary offers more than just membership in the EU and the Schengen zone. It has a fast and simple incorporation process, an automatic EU VAT number, and the lowest corporate tax rate in the EU.

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Company formation procedure in Hungary step by step

Hungary has one of the fastest and least complicated company setup procedures in Europe. In fact, it is so easy that we can summarise it in just 5 points!

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The value of a good registered seat address service

Once your company is set up, you will want to focus on getting your business up and running. However, keeping your company compliant is just as important business planning. A key component of this is the handling of your company’s mail.

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Business class accountancy from Helpers

The difference between two accountants can be as big as the difference between flying with a budget airline and flying business class. Both will get you to your destination, but how enjoyable will your experience be? Will you have to pay extra for every sip of water or enjoy an all-inclusive service? Will you be treated as a chore to be gotten over with or as a valued customer?

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Trading electronic devices in the EU

A large number of companies whose main business is trading electronic devices in the EU choose to have their headquarters in Hungary. Here is an overview of all the advantages available to you.

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Best location for trading business in Europe

When looking for the best country to set up your trading business in Europe, Hungary stands out for several reasons. Low taxes, a strategic location, well-developed infrastructure and low business costs make it an ideal place to set up your trading business.

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Effortless company formation lets you focus on business growth

There’s an unavoidable amount of filing documents, corresponding with various authorities, checking deadlines and regulations… Clearly, it’s not the best use of your time to deal with these issues. Setting up a Hungarian company with Helpers will get these boring but necessary tasks out of the way. Let’s see some of the advantages you will get to benefit from.

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Set up a subsidiary in Europe to your international company

Several international corporations choose Hungary to set up a subsidiary in Europe, giants like IBM or Microsoft among them. The most attractive features of the country are low taxes, affordable operation costs, a central location in the EU and full Schengen access.

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Client-centered accountancy service in Budapest

To run your company smoothly and make sure it complies with laws and regulations, you will need one more thing: an accountant. But how to identify a client-centered accountancy provider?

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