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Tax payment notices urging businesses to clear their debts

The Hungarian Tax Authority is now sending notices to businesses if the payments they made for 2022 do not match the amount they were supposed to pay, whether they are in arrears or in overpayment. If you are not sure, you can also always check your balance online.

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Hungarian tax residents are responsible for declaring correct data

Recently, the Hungarian Tax Authority has published a press release to remind everyone that Hungarian tax residents must be aware if their income generated abroad is taxable in Hungary too. Relevant data are typically communicated between national tax authorities, and if someone misses declaration, they can expect a payment notice, or even a fine.

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Better fringe benefits for your Hungarian employees in 2023

As one of the government measures intended to boost the economy, the use of the SZÉP card will be extended again. Starting from 1 August, customers can use their card for buying groceries. This way you as an employer can also provide better fringe benefits to your Hungarian employees.

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The National Tourism Data Supply Centre in Hungary goes to full throttle

The National Tourism Data Supply Centre was designed to collect real time data and offer up-to-date statistics of the hospitality sector in Hungary. Registration has been mandatory since 1 November 2021, and online data supply must begin on 1 July 2023.

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2024 changes to taxes in Hungary

Last week the 2024 changes to taxes in Hungary were announced. While the package a number of tax increases to counter inflation, most taxes directly relevant to doing business, such as corporate tax and payroll taxes remain the same. Read on to see what’s new.

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Social contribution tax in Hungary: an overview

In Hungary, social contribution tax is paid on various types of income of natural persons. The tax is aimed toward supporting social institutions, such as pensions and allowances. Its rate is 13% of the tax base. Read on to get a quick summary of how it works.

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Mandatory discounts to fight inflation in Hungary

As another measure aiming to reduce inflation, Hungary is now introducing mandatory discounts for retail stores selling food, groceries, and the like. The first discounts under this scheme must start on 1 June 2023. Will this affect your business? Read on to find out.

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Tax benefits in Hungary

While personal income tax in Hungary is 15% for everyone, various tax benefits may be applied to that based on age, marital status, and other circumstances. Get an overview of the most important tax benefits below so you will know when you or your employees can get more out of your gross salary.

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Report HIPA (local business tax) for 2022 on the 22HIPAK form by 31 May

If you are running a business in Hungary, you must pay a local business tax to the municipality where your business is registered. Even if you don’t need to pay, you must submit a report every year. Read on to learn how to report HIPA – and why it makes sense to have an accountant take care of it.

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It is now possible to pay your local business tax by card in Budapest

If you are running a business in Hungary, you are also paying a local business tax to your local municipality. The next important deadline is 31 May, and if your registered address is in Budapest, you can pay the tax by card as well as by bank transfer.

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