Personal Income Tax

Double taxation treaty cancelled between the US and Hungary

Early July, the U.S. canceled the double taxation treaty between Hungary and the U.S. Unless a new treaty is signed over the next year or so, natural persons and entities that have income from both the U.S. and Hungary will face a significant tax increase starting from January 2024. Double taxation treaty with the U.S. …

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EKHO, the simplified tax for creative professions

EKHO is short for Simplified Tax and Contribution (“Egyszerűsített Közteherviselési Hozzájárulás”) in Hungary. It is a favorable tax regime aimed at creators in various fields intended to promote Hungarian culture. Learn its basics, and find the list of professions that can make you eligible. EKHO is for natural persons The beneficiaries of the EKHO tax …

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KATA alternatives for limited partnerships: TAO, KIVA, EKHO

While flat-rate taxation is a cost-effective alternative for self-employed KATA orphans from September, it is not available for limited partnerships. Instead, they may consider whether TAO, KIVA and/or EKHO are suitable alternatives for their company. Limited partnerships in Hungary The limited partnership (“betéti társaság” or “BT”) in Hungary is a popular form of company for …

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U.S. cancels double taxation treaty with Hungary

On 8 July 2022, the U.S. officially notified Hungary that it was unilaterally terminating the double taxation treaty between the two countries. But what does that mean exactly, and what to expect?

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Options for KATA taxpayers starting from September

After new restrictions on the KATA tax regime made it impossible for many current KATA taxpayers to continue doing business under the same rules, we have compiled a set of options they can choose instead, complete with drawbacks and pitfalls. KATA: the tax for small taxpayers 10 years ago, KATA was introduced to encourage people …

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Dividend in Hungary 101: how much do you get from your company?

When you set up a Hungarian company, you probably expect to make money on it. But how much of the company’s revenue can you actually take for yourself? Learn the basics of Hungarian corporate taxes, and how to take dividend from your company. From revenue to profit The money your Hungarian company gets from sales …

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Taxes on student work in Hungary

Summer is here, which means a substantial number of students are entering the labor market for the next few months. Just as well, since various industry sectors are in need of the surplus, such as hospitality and agriculture. But how is student work taxed in Hungary, and how can your Hungarian company employ students? Student …

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Tax returns in Hungary in 2022

The deadline for submitting the 2021 tax returns in Hungary is creeping closer: 20 May 2022. Don’t worry, it’s not much work: just review the prefilled version prepared by the Tax Authority. If all looks good, hit the submit button, and you are done. Oh, and while you are at it, don’t forget to donate …

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Paying taxes as a white card holder in Hungary

The white card is a new residency option in Hungary targeting digital nomads: third country citizens employed by foreign companies who perform their job online and like always being on the go. But how does paying taxes work as a white card holder? Let us help you find out! White card: residency for digital nomads …

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Personal income tax waived for those under 25 in Hungary

Starting from 2022, people under 25 do not pay personal income tax in Hungary. The new regulation aims at making the employment of young people more attractive to employers, while giving young people a boost in getting independent and starting their own life. Personal income tax benefit of young people from 2022 Under the new …

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