2024 tax changes affecting businesses in Hungary

A new year has started, and again tax regulations are updated and clarified in Hungary. There are no major tax changes this year, but make sure to read our overview and ask your accountant if there is anything you should pay special attention to this year.

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2024 changes to taxes in Hungary

Last week the 2024 changes to taxes in Hungary were announced. While the package a number of tax increases to counter inflation, most taxes directly relevant to doing business, such as corporate tax and payroll taxes remain the same. Read on to see what’s new.

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Report your corporate tax by 31 May in Hungary

Are you operating a company in Hungary? Then make sure to report and pay corporate tax for 2022 by 31 May 2023 the latest! You probably have an accountant that helps you with reporting related to your business – get in touch with them to make sure everything is alright.

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Company setup or freelancing in Hungary? Learn the pros and cons of each

Are you planning to do business in Hungary? You have several options – you just need an idea for your operation, and find the business form that suits it best. Company formation or self-employment? VAT or no VAT? Which tax regime? Let’s give you a crash course.

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Checklist for KATA orphans and KATA 2.0 subjects in September

If you were a KATA subject, you probably had to make some tough decisions over the last month or so. As 1 September, the great watershed is here, let’s have an overview of things to take care of when switching to KATA 2.0 or choosing another tax regime. Which way next? KATA was available to …

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KATA alternatives for limited partnerships: TAO, KIVA, EKHO

While flat-rate taxation is a cost-effective alternative for self-employed KATA orphans from September, it is not available for limited partnerships. Instead, they may consider whether TAO, KIVA and/or EKHO are suitable alternatives for their company. Limited partnerships in Hungary The limited partnership (“betéti társaság” or “BT”) in Hungary is a popular form of company for …

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KATA alternative no. 1 for the self-employed: flat-rate taxation

Starting from September, many current KATA subjects are losing eligibility for this tax regime. If “KATA orphans” want to continue doing business as self-employed in Hungary, they must choose another form of taxation. Flat-rate taxation is among the most cost-effective options for freelancers. Flat-rate taxation in a nutshell Similarly to KATA, flat-rate taxation (“átalányadózás” in …

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Options for KATA taxpayers starting from September

After new restrictions on the KATA tax regime made it impossible for many current KATA taxpayers to continue doing business under the same rules, we have compiled a set of options they can choose instead, complete with drawbacks and pitfalls. KATA: the tax for small taxpayers 10 years ago, KATA was introduced to encourage people …

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Year-end closing at your Hungarian company

The end of May is an important time in the life of Hungarian companies. Yearly reports and taxes must be submitted by 31 May. Are you ready for the year-end closing? Year-end closing and annual reporting For most Hungarian companies, the fiscal year is the same as the calendar year. After the end of their …

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