
Wine products no longer subject to representation tax in Hungary

Starting from the middle of November 2023, wine products sold by vineyards will be exempt from representation tax in Hungary. The decision is expected to give a boost to the wine sector at the end of the year.

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Hungarian pension tax records accessible online

As part of the electronic administration in Hungary, personal pension tax records are available for review online. With your Ügyfélkapu access, you can log in to the database of the Treasury, and see if everything is fine. Read on to learn how that works.

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Hungarian Tax Authority conducts more tax inspections

The number of yearly tax inspections conducted by the Hungarian Tax Authority has been steadily increasing over the past few years. The most popular tax inspected continues to be VAT, since it is a major contributor to the national budget. If your company operation is compliant with regulations, you have nothing to worry about.

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Invoices in Hungary: How to create and manage invoices?

Your Hungarian company is required to track its incoming and outgoing payments. Your taxes are calculated based on these, and transactions must be recorded. Incoming payments are recorded on invoices in Hungary – read on to learn how that works.

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Summer is the season for temporary work – make sure to declare it

Whether it is because of increased turnover or employees taking their holidays, your business might be in need of temporary workers. You have various options, just make sure to declare the employment correctly to avoid fines.

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Apply for the Hungarian family housing allowance before it is reduced

CSOK, the Hungarian family housing allowance was created to support families in finding a home. Young married couples who pledge to have children are eligible for a non-refundable allowance and favorable interest rates for property purchase. Now it seems the conditions for eligibility will be severely reduced starting from 2024.

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Tax benefits for government securities in Hungary

When you have income from interests, normally you pay personal income tax and social security contribution on those. However, if you invest in Hungarian government securities, you may not be required to pay either of those.

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Tax payment notices urging businesses to clear their debts

The Hungarian Tax Authority is now sending notices to businesses if the payments they made for 2022 do not match the amount they were supposed to pay, whether they are in arrears or in overpayment. If you are not sure, you can also always check your balance online.

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