Helpers Hungary

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Coronavirus immunity card in Hungary – Freedom from pandemic related restrictions

Those who have received their first dose of a vaccine against the coronavirus and those who have already recovered from the disease are eligible for an immunity card. Holders will be immune not only to COVID-19 but also to some of the pandemic related restrictions.

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Relaxing pandemic related restrictions in April in Hungary

The new regulations tie relaxing pandemic related restrictions in Hungary to developments in the fight against the pandemic: the new measures will come into force once 2.5 million in Hungary have received at least the first dose of one of the available coronavirus vaccines.

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Vaccine registration for foreigners without social security (TAJ)

In the past weeks, there has been a lot of confusion about this issue and several people have posted and shared the (mis)information that even if you have no TAJ number, you can register for the vaccine with a generic number 900 000 007. Please DO NOT DO THIS because:

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Register at a GP to get vaccinated for the coronavirus in Hungary

For now, getting vaccinated for the coronavirus in Hungary is possible only if you have a Hungarian social security number. If you have that, you will still need to be registered at a GP (general practitioner) to get the vaccine – let us guide you through the whole process.

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Getting vaccinated in Hungary against the coronavirus

If you have a Hungarian social security number and a Hungarian GP, you can simply register online for being vaccinated. There are various vaccines available, and while all are trusted and efficient, you should consult your GP which one is best for you before getting vaccinated.

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Move your IT company to Hungary from Serbia

Hungary offers favorable taxation, advanced infrastructure, and low costs. If you are operating an IT company in Serbia and are looking for better conditions, set up a company in Hungary and enjoy all the benefits it can offer.

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New lockdown in Hungary in March 2021

At the press conference on 4 March, a new lockdown was announced for Hungary for the next two weeks, with further restrictions compared to what was introduced in November. Read our summary, and watch this space for further updates.

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New restrictions on business travel to Hungary from March

Starting from 1 March 2021, business travel to Hungary will be somewhat restricted based on which country you are coming from and whether you are a resident in the country of departure or in Hungary.

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Are pandemic-related restrictions staying in place in Hungary?

The new law creates the legal framework for extending the state of emergency and the pandemic-related restrictions and other measures until 23 May 2021. However, it does not actually extend them in itself.

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2021, Hungary

As of 1 February 2021, the minimum wage is raised to gross HUF 167,400, and the guaranteed minimum salary to gross HUF 219,000. Learn how this affects your company costs.

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