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Trading with the UK after Brexit

Since the UK has left both the European Union and the Customs Union, the UK is now officially a third country. In line with this, trading regulations has changed radically after Brexit. Read our quick guide to get up to date.

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Tax returns in Hungary in 2022

The deadline for submitting the 2021 tax returns in Hungary is creeping closer: 20 May 2022. Don’t worry, it’s not much work: just review the prefilled version prepared by the Tax Authority. If all looks good, hit the submit button, and you are done. Oh, and while you are at it, don’t forget to donate …

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The crypto landscape in times of war

Cryptocurrencies are stateless, decentralized, anonymous digital currencies, which have often been viewed as a kind of doomsday insurance. They were supposed to be resilient to the fluctuations of the real world, but they have not exactly delivered on that promise as the new dominant international asset. Currency volatility in the crypto landscape The lack of …

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Foreign exchange rates affected by Ukraine war

The war in Ukraine creates uncertainty in the entire region. Scarcity and instability hasten inflation, which at this scale is capable to affect the global economy. These effects are most obvious in the changes to foreign exchange rates. Currency volatility in Europe The fights in Ukraine affects most the countries that are closest, and which …

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Safe investment when war is coming your way

When you have funds in excess, it is usually best not to just let them lie around in your pocket or on a bank account, but to make some kind of investment to ensure that your money retains its value, or even turns a profit. But from which investments can you actually expect that, especially …

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How a conflict between Ukraine and Russia can affect business in Europe

Currently, tension is growing on the border of Ukraine and Russia. Whether or not it will develop into a military confrontation, the situation is likely to affect economy in Europe and around the world. Even if inflation does not skyrocket, already existing trends might accelerate. Russia is vast, and it is a major provider of …

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Debt collection in Hungary: the full picture

When doing business, you expect your partners to pay for your services, or provide the products you have paid for on time. However, sometimes life happens, and your company ends up with debts owed to it. Learn the techniques to mitigate risks and advance debt collection – or reduce the damage caused by irrecoverable claims. …

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