
Trading with the UK after Brexit

Since the UK has left both the European Union and the Customs Union, the UK is now officially a third country. In line with this, trading regulations has changed radically after Brexit. Read our quick guide to get up to date.

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Tax returns in Hungary in 2022

The deadline for submitting the 2021 tax returns in Hungary is creeping closer: 20 May 2022. Don’t worry, it’s not much work: just review the prefilled version prepared by the Tax Authority. If all looks good, hit the submit button, and you are done. Oh, and while you are at it, don’t forget to donate …

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Hungarian SMEs will not be affected by the global minimum tax

The OECD is introducing a global minimum tax at 15% starting from 2023. The tax will only affect companies with a global revenue above EUR 750 million.

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Debt collection in Hungary: the full picture

When doing business, you expect your partners to pay for your services, or provide the products you have paid for on time. However, sometimes life happens, and your company ends up with debts owed to it. Learn the techniques to mitigate risks and advance debt collection – or reduce the damage caused by irrecoverable claims. …

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Changes to taxation in Hungary in 2022

We have already written about most changes to taxation in Hungary 2022 – most of which are tied to the ongoing pandemic and the government’s efforts to increase the purchase power of salaries while also creating a more favorable business environment for companies. Now see a summary of the changes, with links to the more …

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Paying taxes as a white card holder in Hungary

The white card is a new residency option in Hungary targeting digital nomads: third country citizens employed by foreign companies who perform their job online and like always being on the go. But how does paying taxes work as a white card holder? Let us help you find out! White card: residency for digital nomads …

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Salaries and payroll taxes in 2022, Hungary

The minimum wage has been raised to HUF 200,000 gross, while the social contribution tax has been reduced to 13%. At the same time, personal income tax for persons younger than 25 has been abolished.

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Personal income tax waived for those under 25 in Hungary

Starting from 2022, people under 25 do not pay personal income tax in Hungary. The new regulation aims at making the employment of young people more attractive to employers, while giving young people a boost in getting independent and starting their own life. Personal income tax benefit of young people from 2022 Under the new …

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KATA and flat-rate taxation in Hungary in 2022

Last updated on 21 December 2021. In Hungary, many favorable taxation options are available to small companies and entrepreneurs, depending on the size and type of their business. KATA and flat-rate taxation are both structures that were created to reduce administration – and both will change starting from 2022. KATA KATA is short for Itemized …

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Social contribution tax decrease in Hungary

Alongside the next increase to the minimum wage just announced for 2022, social contribution tax will be decreased to even out the financial burden on employers. This way minimum wage employees get a significant raise without a significant increase in their employers’ payroll costs. Social contribution tax decrease over the years 10 years ago, the …

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