
Base rate increase in Hungary to reduce inflation

The Monetary Council of the Hungarian Central Bank increased the base rate with an unexpected 185 basis points. Now analysts expect a base rate above 10% for the fall, which should help restrain inflation and the depreciation of HUF compared to EUR. Base rate increased to 7.75% The recent increase of 185 basis points is …

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Hungary vetoes EU global minimum tax proposal

After the October announcement of joining the global minimum tax convention, Hungary has just vetoed the EU proposal on implementation, while the Hungarian Parliament has also passed a bill on not supporting the scheme for the time being.

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When you need a physical office, consider coworking

Are you managing a Hungarian company? Do you need a physical office? Depending on how much you intend to use it, you might be better off with options provided by a coworking space. What do you need a physical office for? Most businesses in Hungary do not need a physical space of operation right from …

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Company modification in Hungary

In Hungary, data of any company are registered with the Company Registry, and it is the owner’s or the executive’s responsibility to keep those data up to date. Some changes can be simply reported, but changes to core data require a more complex procedure called company modification. Learn what these are, and how to handle …

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Can I set up an offshore company in Hungary?

Whether you can set up an offshore company in Hungary depends on what you mean by an offshore company. Discover the most widespread definitions, and learn if Hungary is a good match for you.

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Forwarding representative and seat provider in Hungary: What’s the difference?

The registered seat service is relevant for companies. It is most like a rental service, where a provider offers your Hungarian company an address it can use as its own. The forwarding representative is relevant for the persons owning and operating the company.

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Seat upgrade – get a new virtual office today

Are you really satisfied with your current registered seat provider? What kind of services do you receive? Have a seat upgrade to a virtual office with the Helpers Team, and let we take care of mail forwarding for your Hungarian company so you can focus on growing your business. As a bonus, we cover the …

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Company formation in Central Europe

Check out our new website that offers company formation in Central Europe, compare the most important factors, and make an informed decision that will suit your business the most.

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ECB board member Fabio Panetta calls for stricter regulation of crypto assets

Fabio Panetta, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank has recently made a speech at Columbia University, where he talked about how and why central banks around the world should make a coordinated effort to regulate crypto assets more strictly. Learn about his concerns, the prospects for crypto in the EU, and …

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KIVA or corporate tax? Choose the tax regime best for your Hungarian company

While the 9% corporate tax in Hungary is already the most favorable option in the EU, you can further reduce what you pay in taxes with KIVA, the tax regime designed for small and medium sized companies. Let’s see if it is a good match for your Hungarian company! Are you eligible for KIVA? First …

KIVA or corporate tax? Choose the tax regime best for your Hungarian company Read More »

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