
Apply for the Hungarian family housing allowance before it is reduced

CSOK, the Hungarian family housing allowance was created to support families in finding a home. Young married couples who pledge to have children are eligible for a non-refundable allowance and favorable interest rates for property purchase. Now it seems the conditions for eligibility will be severely reduced starting from 2024.

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Tax benefits for government securities in Hungary

When you have income from interests, normally you pay personal income tax and social security contribution on those. However, if you invest in Hungarian government securities, you may not be required to pay either of those.

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Expected yearly average inflation in Hungary in 2023

Based on data from 2022 and H1 2023, analysts expect yearly inflation in Hungary to be reduced below 10% by December. Even in the worst case scenario, the yearly average inflation in 2023 will not be higher than 19%.

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2024 changes to taxes in Hungary

Last week the 2024 changes to taxes in Hungary were announced. While the package a number of tax increases to counter inflation, most taxes directly relevant to doing business, such as corporate tax and payroll taxes remain the same. Read on to see what’s new.

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The share of foreign-owned companies on the Hungarian market

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office publishes reports regularly about various topics, including the developments in Hungarian economy. Read a short summary of the latest reports to see how foreign-owned companies are doing in Hungary, and that Hungary has room for your business too.

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Company setup or freelancing in Hungary? Learn the pros and cons of each

Are you planning to do business in Hungary? You have several options – you just need an idea for your operation, and find the business form that suits it best. Company formation or self-employment? VAT or no VAT? Which tax regime? Let’s give you a crash course.

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New price control measures introduced in Hungary to ease inflation

At the latest Thursday government press conference, new forms of price control have been announced that intend to ease inflation in Hungary, boost the purchase power of households, and support small businesses. However, they might not be as beneficial as intended.

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How much time does it take to become an EU citizen by descent?

If you are looking for an EU passport, you might start by taking a look at your family tree. Many EU countries offer citizenship if one or more of your ancestors were local citizens. The procedure varies country by country, meaning not only requirements but also processing time.

The post How much time does it take to become an EU citizen by descent? appeared first on Hungarian Citizenship.

Foreign-owned companies in Hungary in numbers

Foreign-owned companies have been contributing massively to Hungarian economy over the last fifteen years. Get an overview of what this means in numbers, and consider how your business might fit a niche on the Hungarian market.

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