
Interest rate cap in Hungary steers investment toward government bonds

At the end of November 2022, an interest rate cap was introduced on Hungarian deposits above HUF 20 million in order to redirect investment toward government bonds. This is one of the measures in a balancing act of keeping HUF exchange rates relatively low. Since the new regulation does not affect foreign investment, it will …

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Taxes in Hungary 2023

As the end of the year is creeping closer, it is worth starting to prepare for the new year. January is traditionally the season for the introduction of new tax regulations. Read on to find out about the expected changes to taxes in Hungary in 2023. Flat-rate taxation Starting from next year, the conditions for …

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5 things to watch out for as a freelancer under flat-rate taxation

Are you a freelancer who pays taxes under flat-rate taxation in Hungary? Whether you are a KATA orphan or have just started your business, there are a bunch of rules you need to learn about deadlines, limits, and tax exemption. Read on to get an overview of the 5 most important things you must keep …

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Taking dividends in Hungary – what to watch out for

As the owner of a Hungarian company, you can use the profit of your company for yourself by taking dividends. Before you can do that, your company will always need a balance sheet, and in some cases, an audit as well. Read on to learn about the aspects to consider. Dividend in Hungary in a …

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New flat-rate taxpayers: form 2258 is now available online

KATA orphans and other new freelancers: this is your reminder that you are supposed to make a monthly declaration of your taxable income until the 12th of each month in Hungary. The relevant form, 2258, is now available online as well as in the software for submitting tax related data. Make sure to submit it …

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Representation tax at your Hungarian company

Representation tax in Hungary is a tax imposed on catering-like expenses of companies. It is intended to deter enterprises from making personal purchases with company money and then deducting the expenses from their taxes, so it is a significant tax you should keep in mind when planning expenses. Why “representation” tax? When you welcome people …

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What does an accountant do at a Hungarian company?

The post What does an accountant do at a Hungarian company? appeared first on Company Formation.

Checklist for KATA orphans and KATA 2.0 subjects in September

If you were a KATA subject, you probably had to make some tough decisions over the last month or so. As 1 September, the great watershed is here, let’s have an overview of things to take care of when switching to KATA 2.0 or choosing another tax regime. Which way next? KATA was available to …

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