Helpers Hungary

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Hungarian Residency Bond program to restart? Investment Migration Forum 2017

The Hungarian Residency Bond program was suspended at the end of March, 2017. Now participants of the Investment Migration Forum suggested it might restart next year. Will it happen?

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Limited Liability Company: LLC in Europe, Hungary

One of the most popular forms of business for small and medium sized companies is a limited liability company (LLC or LTD). Hungarian LLCs offer several advantages: uncomplicated and fast setup, low taxes and a relatively small share capital. In addition, the ownership and management structure is open for all.

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Advantages of a limited liability company in Hungary

A limited liability company, commonly abbreviated LLC or LTD, is a widely popular form of business. Here are all the advantages of setting up a limited liability company in Hungary.

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Investment citizenship in Georgia

Many countries offer investment immigration programs to international businessman who wish to relocate with their family, ease the way for their business, or just want to enjoy the advantages of their new passport and travel visa-free in the region. Now Georgia will offer an investment citizenship program.

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The so-called “representation tax” in Hungary: What is it and how are food, drink, and travel expenses taxed

The Hungarian Tax Authority introduced the representation tax in order to avoid companies buying personal supplies on company money, this way reducing the company’s profit (and paying less as corporate tax).

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Fringe benefits in Hungary – Cafeteria 2018

Apart from salary, employees can receive a “non-salary compensation”. The various fringe benefits or cafeteria elements offer more favorable taxation options than regular salary – this is why many employers decide to offer cafeteria to their employees.

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Setting up an online business in the EU

When you plan to sell your goods or services exclusively online, you have more freedom to choose the country where you set up your business. Within Europe, Hungary offers more than just membership in the EU and the Schengen zone. It has a fast and simple incorporation process, an automatic EU VAT number, and the lowest corporate tax rate in the EU.

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Company formation procedure in Hungary step by step

Hungary has one of the fastest and least complicated company setup procedures in Europe. In fact, it is so easy that we can summarise it in just 5 points!

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The value of a good registered seat address service

Once your company is set up, you will want to focus on getting your business up and running. However, keeping your company compliant is just as important business planning. A key component of this is the handling of your company’s mail.

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Business class accountancy from Helpers

The difference between two accountants can be as big as the difference between flying with a budget airline and flying business class. Both will get you to your destination, but how enjoyable will your experience be? Will you have to pay extra for every sip of water or enjoy an all-inclusive service? Will you be treated as a chore to be gotten over with or as a valued customer?

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