How to use AVDH to verify your documents in Hungary

Normally, you can verify your various documents with your signature. In online spaces, however, you need a different method. The AVDH function available through your Ügyfélkapu access provides just that, accepted by most Hungarian service providers.
Digital citizenship in Hungary
Digital citizenship is a concept that basic functions relevant for everyday life should be available online to everyone. Many such functions are already accessible through Ügyfélkapu (the “Client Gate”), the Hungarian gateway to electronic administration. While logged in, you can take care of various administrative procedures, such as making appointments at government offices, asking for the replacement of lost documents, or paying various fees.
These procedures all need identification. However, you do not have to provide it separately, since the fact that you are logged in is accepted as a form of identification. (At the same time, you can increase the security of your login if you enable two-factor authentication (2FA) at your Ügyfélkapu access. Read more here.)
AVDH uses your Ügyfélkapu access for verifying your identity
Of course, not every procedure requiring identification can be taken care of through the Ügyfélkapu. You might also need to verify yourself when you are dealing online with
- banks;
- utility providers;
- insurance companies;
- other service providers in Hungary.
Luckily, the AVDH function helps you with exactly that. The name is short for “document verification based on identification” in Hungarian, as that is precisely what happens. When you are logged in to with your Ügyfélkapu access, your identity is considered verified. Then you can select the AVDH option from the menu on the left (its icon is a little shield). You can upload any PDF document, and it will receive an electronic stamp that will prove it was you who uploaded it.
How to use AVDH
When you are completing administrative tasks for a service provider, you are usually asked to fill in a form and sign it before the administrator as a witness. When completing a procedure online, the role of the witness can be taken over by the AVDH function.
- Fill in and sign the form
- Scan the form in PDF
- Log in to
- Go to the AVDH function
- Select your document or drag it into the upload field
- Tick the box below the upload field to accept the Terms and Conditions (“ÁSZF”)
- Click “Feltöltés” (“Upload”)
- Wait a minute or so
- Download your newly verified document; there will be an electronic stamp in its top right corner
- Send it to your service provider
Your document will be retained online for 24 hours, after which it is deleted from the database.
How NOT to use AVDH
AVDH was developed to be used by natural persons. As a result, you are not supposed to use AVDH when you are signing documents on behalf of your Hungarian company. This is because the AVDH function operates within Ügyfélkapu, the gateway to electronic administration for natural persons, and as such, it cannot verify your role within a company. (The same is true for e-signatures created by the electronic ID card.)
Moreover, some documents (especially company related documents) need to be signed jointly by multiple people. The AVDH function works only for one person at a time, and you cannot add multiple stamps on top of each other. As a result, you cannot use AVDH when the signature of several people need to be verified.
Assistance in Hungary from the Helpers Team
When you relocate to Hungary, registering an Ügyfélkapu access is essential for comfortable administration. AVDH, one of the functions available online, lets you sign documents with a digital stamp so you can take care of various administrative procedures outside the domain of Ügyfélkapu.
The Helpers Team can not only help you register but also take care of various administrative tasks related to your relocation to Hungary, such as residency or work permit application, or setting up a business. With our 15+ years of experience, we can surely find solutions tailored to your needs.
Can we help you? Fill in the form below to get in touch.
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