Tax Benefits
While personal income tax in Hungary is 15% for everyone, various tax benefits may be applied to that based on age, marital status, and other circumstances. Get an overview of the most important tax benefits below so you will know when you or your employees can get more out of your gross salary.
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Foreign employees living in Hungary based on a work permit are eligible for the same tax benefits as Hungarian citizens. This applies to child benefits too, which might be relevant if the family of an employee is also in Hungary on residency for family unification.
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When planning for salaries in Hungary, you should keep in mind the various tax benefits available to employees. Since they increase net salaries without extra costs to the employer, they also function as incentives for employing certain demographic groups. Tax benefits and gross salary The tax benefits available in Hungary apply to everyone who is […]
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New opportunity to save on taxes in Hungary: If your Hungarian company does most of its business in foreign currencies, you can avoid exchange fees by paying your taxes directly in EUR or USD. The new rules apply to TAO and HIPA (the regular corporate tax and the local business tax), and will be relevant …
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The post Working with student residency in Hungary appeared first on Hungarian Work Permit.
Summer is here, which means a substantial number of students are entering the labor market for the next few months. Just as well, since various industry sectors are in need of the surplus, such as hospitality and agriculture. But how is student work taxed in Hungary, and how can your Hungarian company employ students? Student …
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When you hear the word “cafeteria”, normally you would think of a self-service restaurant. In Hungary, however, “cafeteria” is the collective term for fringe benefits you can give your employees above their gross salary. Learn how it works, and see if it can be beneficial to your Hungarian company. Cafeteria can make you a more […]
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The deadline for submitting the 2021 tax returns in Hungary is creeping closer: 20 May 2022. Don’t worry, it’s not much work: just review the prefilled version prepared by the Tax Authority. If all looks good, hit the submit button, and you are done. Oh, and while you are at it, don’t forget to donate …
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We have already written about most changes to taxation in Hungary 2022 – most of which are tied to the ongoing pandemic and the government’s efforts to increase the purchase power of salaries while also creating a more favorable business environment for companies. Now see a summary of the changes, with links to the more …
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