Simplified Employment

Summer is the season for temporary work – make sure to declare it

Whether it is because of increased turnover or employees taking their holidays, your business might be in need of temporary workers. You have various options, just make sure to declare the employment correctly to avoid fines.

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Taxes on student work in Hungary

Summer is here, which means a substantial number of students are entering the labor market for the next few months. Just as well, since various industry sectors are in need of the surplus, such as hospitality and agriculture. But how is student work taxed in Hungary, and how can your Hungarian company employ students? Student …

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Make it simple – Employ a temporary worker in Hungary

Is your company in need of temporary workforce? Consider simplified employment, which is a simple and cost-effective solution for hiring temporary workers in Hungary. Read on the for the most important questions and answers about hiring temps. Who is a temporary worker? A temporary worker is sometimes also called a casual worker or an occasional …

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