Personal Income Tax

Determining tax residency is of key importance in deciding where to pay taxes after income. Normally, a country may levy a tax on income if the individual generating it has tax residency in the given country. However, if an individual is resident of more than one country, the question of where to pay taxes arises. …
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If your company has employees, your company deducts the personal income tax from their gross salaries (together with the social contributions). This way employees only get their net salaries, and you transfer their personal income tax to the Tax Authority.
The post How does the Hungarian personal income tax change in 2018? appeared first on HELPERS.
Personal income tax in Hungary is currently 15%. It is deducted from the gross salary of employees, who get only their net salary. It is the employer who transfers taxes and contributions to the authorities. This will not change in 2017 – let’s see what will!
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