Employment Contract

How to hire foreign workers in Hungary

When you want to hire foreign workers in Hungary, your new employees will need certain documents that enable them to work for you – some documents of their own, and some to be obtained from Hungarian authorities.

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Hungarian work permit – what to watch out for as a foreigner working in Hungary?

Are you a non-EU citizen staying in Hungary based on your employment? Then you have already obtained your Hungarian work permit. Awesome! Now here are some simple rules to abide by while you are living and working in Hungary.

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Find workforce in Hungary for your European company

All right, you have opened your EU company in Hungary. But where to find skilled workforce to make it a success? Read our guide and let us help.

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Where to pay taxes? Tax residency in Hungary

Determining tax residency is of key importance in deciding where to pay taxes after income. Normally, a country may levy a tax on income if the individual generating it has tax residency in the given country. However, if an individual is resident of more than one country, the question of where to pay taxes arises. …

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Simplified employment in Hungary: Hiring temporary workers

If your company does not need a regular employee, but there are tasks with which you need assistance from time to time, you might want to consider hiring a temporary worker – which is referred to as simplified employment in Hungary.

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Make it simple – Employ a temporary worker in Hungary

Is your company in need of temporary workforce? Consider simplified employment, which is a simple and cost-effective solution for hiring temporary workers in Hungary. Read on the for the most important questions and answers about hiring temps. Who is a temporary worker? A temporary worker is sometimes also called a casual worker or an occasional …

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Checklist for terminating employment in Hungary

If you operate a company, sooner or later you will need employees. We have already wrote about what to keep in mind when making a new hire – now let’s see the various scenarios for terminating employment.

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How to terminate employment in Hungary

When you are operating a company in Hungary, your business will probably need one or more employees. For finding the best candidates, you can always rely on an expert recruiter. But what to do when you want to terminate the employment? Read on! Terminating employment contracts of indefinite duration In Hungary, if you are employing …

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Salaries and Payroll Taxes in 2018, Hungary

In 2018 again, Hungarian payroll taxes and salaries have been modified to meet the new conditions of the changing world. Just like last year, the minimum wage has been increased, while the employer’s payroll taxes decreased.

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Recruitment for SMEs in Hungary

The key to business success is working with a great team. Naturally, “your team” includes your employees as well as your providers and business partners. But how do you find the best work force? Helpers can assist you in recruitment as well.

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