Employment Contract
Employ disadvantaged workers and reduce the payroll taxes your Hungarian company pays to make your Hungarian operation more cost-effective.
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While you have great freedom in what tasks to assign to your employees, you should get familiar with the most important aspects of the labor law before making your first hire at your Hungarian company.
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Depending on the organization structure of your company, you might need to offer positions to your employees that are not regular nine-to-five jobs. The allocated cumulative working time (also known as working time banking) offers you and your employees the chance to agree on more flexible working hours that may include night and weekend shifts …
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Standby time is when your employee is ready to perform work for your company above their regular working hours. They can be on standby in any location they prefer, however, they must be ready to work. When the employer calls, the employee must start working immediately.
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Hungarian payroll taxes and salaries were modified the end of December, but they are already valid for January. Following the same trend as last year, the minimum wage has been increased, while the employer’s payroll taxes remained the same.
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When you want to hire foreign workers in Hungary, your new employees will need certain documents that enable them to work for you – some documents of their own, and some to be obtained from Hungarian authorities.
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Are you a non-EU citizen staying in Hungary based on your employment? Then you have already obtained your Hungarian work permit. Awesome! Now here are some simple rules to abide by while you are living and working in Hungary.
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All right, you have opened your EU company in Hungary. But where to find skilled workforce to make it a success? Read our guide and let us help.
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Determining tax residency is of key importance in deciding where to pay taxes after income. Normally, a country may levy a tax on income if the individual generating it has tax residency in the given country. However, if an individual is resident of more than one country, the question of where to pay taxes arises. …
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If your company does not need a regular employee, but there are tasks with which you need assistance from time to time, you might want to consider hiring a temporary worker – which is referred to as simplified employment in Hungary.
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