Intra Corporate Transfer

Bringing employees to Hungary – Work permit or Intra Corporate Transfer?

If the employee is a national of a non-EU country and is entering the EU for their temporary deputation, they will need a work permit. In some special cases, the employee might apply for an intra corporate transfer permit, which offers added benefits to both employer and employee.

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Intra-corporate transfer (ICT): How to transfer employees to Hungary?

Some managers and experts are irreplaceable in a corporation. Their expertise may be needed when you are setting up a new entity in a foreign country, or when you are launching a new project at your foreign subsidiary. In these cases, you can send these precious employees on a temporary deputation.

The post Intra-corporate transfer (ICT): How to transfer employees to Hungary? appeared first on Hungarian Work Permit.

Corporate work permit for your employees in Hungary

When moving your operation to Hungary, you might want to move some of your employees as well. They will need Hungarian residency with work permit – which you can easily get for them with our help.

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