
Hungarian people in the U.S. eligible for Hungarian citizenship

Currently more than 1.4 million people living in the U.S. consider themselves Hungarian. Thanks to the Citizenship Act of Hungary, most of them are eligible for Hungarian citizenship, and with that, for a passport that grants visa-free travel to 185 countries around the world.

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Authorization for your employees at your Hungarian business

An authorization always refers to some kind of representation. While employees represent the company they work for when they are meeting clients or serving them in a shop, that does not normally require a separate, official authorization. When they need to sign contracts or make payments on behalf of the company, however, they will need proof that they can do so.

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Ballagás: the Hungarian take on the high school graduation ceremony

Graduating from high school is a big milestone in life, which has to be celebrated. Of course, Hungarians have their own way of doing it: in a formal event, when students tour the school building together one last time, and then they are congratulated by their teachers, family, and friends. Read on to learn how that works.

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What is quiet quitting and how does it affect your employees in Hungary?

Quiet quitting is a new term that started circulating over the last year or so. It refers to employees doing the bare minimum at their job, as if they were already considering quitting – a behavior that gives rise to frustration among employers. What can you do against it? Get a better idea below.

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Non-compete agreement in the Hungarian labor contract

Employees often have very specific, special skills which an employer might not want to see in the service of the competition. In such cases, a non-compete agreement can be drawn up. Read on to learn how that works.

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15 March in Hungary: an important national holiday

While Hungary has 13 bank holidays, 15 March is arguably the most prominent for many. It commemorates the start of the revolution of 1848 and 1849, and with it, the love for freedom of the Hungarian people.

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First results from the 2023 Census of Hungary: population and homes

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office has published the first results of the census conducted last fall in Hungary. The first data pertain to the number of people and homes.

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Severance pay in Hungary

Severance pay refers to a payment an employee shall receive upon termination of their employment. In Hungary, it applies after at least 3 years of employment, while a few other conditions must be met too.

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What is Farsang in Hungary?

Farsang is the Hungarian equivalent of the Carnival season, with some specific alterations. Farsang covers the entire period between the twelfth day of Christmas and Shrove Tuesday, and it is a time for merrymaking and courtship.

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All about overtime in Hungary

If you operate a business in Hungary, sooner or later you might need your employees to do overtime for you. But how does that work? When can you expect it, and how much will it cost you? Read on to find out. Regular working hours and overtime Regular working time for a full-time employee is […]

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