
Options other than citizenship if you want to live in Hungary

If you want to live in Hungary, you do not necessarily need to become a citizen: you can get residency as well, based on various activities.

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Will the European Parliament blow Golden Visa programs?

The European Parliament has recently debated Golden Visa programs in the EU. These programs fall into the jurisdiction of each member state, and let international investors get European citizenship or residency in a fast track procedure. However, since they are relevant to the whole population of the European Union, the topic needed to be addressed […]

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How affordable is second citizenship?

There are many reasons why you might want to get a second citizenship. Whether you are looking for visa-free travel around the world, a safe second home for your family, a secure investment, or easier access to international business, a second citizenship might be in fact an affordable option, saving you time, hassle, and money. […]

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Immigrating from Turkey to Malta

Malta is located in the Mediterranean region of Europe between Italy, Tunisia and Libya. Its strategic location means it has excellent air links to both continents as well as the Middle East. It has also endowed the country with a rich historical heritage including Greek, Phoenician, Roman, Arabic, French and British influences. The whole world […]

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Become a Hungarian Citizen thanks to your heritage

Are your parents, grandparents, or other ancestors from Hungary? Do you want to become a citizen of an EU member state with great infrastructure and a thousand years old culture located in the heart of Europe? Read on to learn why you should and how you can become a Hungarian citizen.

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Let us help you choose an immigration program

At New Residency, our aim is to offer you the most comprehensive selection of golden visa programs. Since the individual preferences of those seeking a new passport or residency can vary significantly, we offer information about investment visa programs around the world, and let our clients choose the most suitable one for them. Core information […]

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The Hungarian passport is the 10th strongest in the world

Henley and Partners, a global leader in residence and citizenship planning, each year analyzes passport strength around the world. They count how many countries you can access visa-free if you hold a given passport, and rank passports accordingly.

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The Henley Passport Index helps you choose your second passport

The 2018 Henley Passport Index ranks countries according to how many countries passport-holders can access without a visa. If you are considering getting a second citizenship by investment, it can help you choose which one to go forward with. Most of the leaders have investment immigration programs, the best of which are all available at […]

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Malta: citizenship or residency?

Malta is a picturesque island country in the Mediterranean, and it is a member of the EU and the Schengen zone. Its rich history, high standard of living and excellent air links make it an attractive place to live or own a second home. Both tourists and expatriates are attracted to the country’s mediterranean climate, […]

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Buying a golden passport with Bitcoin

Could Vanuatu be a pioneer among golden passport programs? According to the Vanuatu Information Centre Network, the Pacific island nation has started accepting Bitcoin as payment in their investment citizenship program, Business Insider and Fortune reported. Widely available, cheap and uncomplicated Bitcoin is the most widespread cryptocurrency and payment system. It is estimated to be […]

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