
Should I open a cafe in Budapest?

Hungary has a long-standing cafe-culture, but while this used to be an afternoon or evening pastime, expats and young Hungarian professionals have created a trend to have breakfast or brunch at their favorite cafe.

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Buy an apartment for renovation in Budapest

A great number of apartments in prime downtown locations have not been renovated for years or sometimes decades. Thus, you can buy an apartment for renovation; then renting or reselling it guarantees a great return on your investment.

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Buying a vacation rental in Hungary

Since more and more tourists prefer to rent an apartment rather than staying at hotels, buying a small apartment to be converted into a vacation rental is an excellent investment opportunity in Hungary.

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Intercultural communication and business strategy

It goes without saying that different countries have different cultural norms and different ways of interacting, but finding a foreign business partner that speaks the same language we do can trick us into thinking that we understand each other perfectly. Which might not always be the case.

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Open a Persian store in Hungary!

There are a lot of Iranian students and residents in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. While they are happy to explore the lifestyle and cuisine of Hungary, they also miss the taste of home. However, there are very few Iranian or Persian stores that sell the ingredients for a traditional home-cooked meal.

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How can I get a dividend payment from my Hungarian company?

Dividend is a payment made to the company’s owners from the profit after taxation and free accumulated profit reserves. This also means that if a company did not produce profit, it cannot pay a dividend.

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When do I need to pay overtime to employees?

Employees are entitled to wage supplements when they work overtime, on weekends, at night or on state holidays. As the employer, it is your legal responsibility to determine your employee’s schedules, so you need to take the mandatory wage supplements into account when doing so.

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What does due diligence mean for my Hungarian company?

Keeping your Hungarian company compliant starts with submitting all reports and accounting documents on time, paying taxes, contributions and salaries when they are due and ensuring all contracts and invoices conform to regulations. In order to ensure this, you need to gather reliable information about all your business partners; ideally, before you start any business […]

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State holidays and vacation days for employees in Hungary

Hungary has a number of state holidays when shops and offices are closed, and employees are usually not required to work. In addition, Hungarian Labor Law states that all employees are entitled to a minimum of 20 days of paid vacation per year.

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Should I hire a Hungarian employee?

In most of Europe, the local official language is used by the Tax Authority, government and municipality offices, in banks, in contracts and in everyday life. Hungary is no exception: most letters a business owner has to read and most forms they have to fill in are in Hungarian. Similarly, the customer service representatives of […]

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