Got a cool logo or a witty slogan? Why not register them as trademarks? If you want your company’s name, logo or slogan protected by Hungarian or European law, you can start the trademark registration now and get your company the proper recognition.
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Standby time is when your employee is ready to perform work for your company above their regular working hours. They can be on standby in any location they prefer, however, they must be ready to work. When the employer calls, the employee must start working immediately.
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If you own a Hungarian company, you have to pay certain taxes and contributions after the dividend you take based on whether or not you are a tax resident in Hungary.
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In general, the costs related to a business trip are accepted as business costs in Hungary, and as such are deductible from the corporate tax. Some expenses, however, are subject to the so called “representation tax”.
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In 2019, many bank holidays will be on a Wednesday, in the middle of the week. At the same time, if the holiday falls on any other day, Hungarian people usually prefer to have long weekends in exchange for a Saturday that would otherwise be a rest day.
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In Hungary, every company is required to have accountancy from the moment of company formation. As a result, it is worth choosing a provider that offers both assistance in incorporation and accounting. Company formation and accountancy In accounting, there are some tasks that need to be performed right after company formation. These include mostly reporting …
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The “company gate” is an electronic storage where official mail sent to your company is always accessible. Whenever you get an official letter, a notification is sent to your indicated email address. You can then log in to the company gate and view the message.
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When you are starting business in Europe, it might not be obvious where you want to set up your company. This short comparison of company formation in Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Albania might be able to set you on the right track.
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Determining tax residency is of key importance in deciding where to pay taxes after income. Normally, a country may levy a tax on income if the individual generating it has tax residency in the given country. However, if an individual is resident of more than one country, the question of where to pay taxes arises. …
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When moving your operation to Hungary, you might want to move some of your employees as well. They will need Hungarian residency with work permit – which you can easily get for them with our help.
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