Helpers Hungary

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Simplified employment in Hungary: Hiring temporary workers

If your company does not need a regular employee, but there are tasks with which you need assistance from time to time, you might want to consider hiring a temporary worker – which is referred to as simplified employment in Hungary.

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Stay in the EU after Brexit: EU citizenship for UK citizens in Hungary

Since the vote on Brexit, many British citizens are looking for a second, EU citizenship in order to keep their privileges as citizens of the European Union, including the right to live, travel, and do business in the EU. While Germany is by far the most popular destination, Hungary is most popular in Central Europe.

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Business investment and Company formation in Serbia – get residency now

From now on, Helpers Hungary offers company formation in Serbia, together with residency application. Form a company, and apply for Serbian residency together with your family. Start your new, successful life in Serbia right now!

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Options other than citizenship if you want to live in Hungary

If you want to live in Hungary, you do not necessarily need to become a citizen: you can get residency as well, based on various activities.

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European Golden Visa programs attacked in the EP

Golden Visa programs around the world provide an attractive opportunity to obtain residency or citizenship in a given country in exchange for an investment. Now, on 30 May the European Parliament debated the controversies of the European Golden Visa programs.

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Checklist for terminating employment in Hungary

If you operate a company, sooner or later you will need employees. We have already wrote about what to keep in mind when making a new hire – now let’s see the various scenarios for terminating employment.

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GDPR: Stronger data security regulations in the EU from May 25

Are you the owner of a company that does business in the EU? Whether your company or your partner and clients are from the EU, the new data security regulation (GDPR) is relevant for you. Learn what you should do to keep compliant with the new EU regulation.

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Study-to-work residence permit

A study-to-work residence permit is available to foreign students who are finishing their studies at a Hungarian university. It grants you 9 months of extended stay in Hungary after graduation. You can use this time to find a job or set up a company in order to become eligible for a long-term Hungarian residence permit.

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Easy Hungarian work-permit and residency for employees from Serbia and Ukraine

Operating a Hungarian company? Planning to employ workers from Serbia or Ukraine? Depending on their profession, your new employees might be able to apply for a Hungarian work permit and residency in a preferential procedure.

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