Helpers Hungary

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Salaries and Payroll Taxes in 2019, Hungary

Hungarian payroll taxes and salaries were modified the end of December, but they are already valid for January. Following the same trend as last year, the minimum wage has been increased, while the employer’s payroll taxes remained the same.

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Do you know HER? Learn about Hungarian Entrepreneur Residency

Hungarian Entrepreneur Residency is the best option for businessmen who wish to start a business and obtain residency in the EU. Company formation in Hungary takes only a few days, you can start operation almost instantly, and getting residency takes only a few months.

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Moldovan Investment Citizenship

The Moldovan investment citizenship program is now available. It is aimed at international businessmen who are ready to make an investment in developing a country and to receive a second passport which also grants them access to 121 countries around the world.

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How to hire foreign workers in Hungary

When you want to hire foreign workers in Hungary, your new employees will need certain documents that enable them to work for you – some documents of their own, and some to be obtained from Hungarian authorities.

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Hungarian work permit – what to watch out for as a foreigner working in Hungary?

Are you a non-EU citizen staying in Hungary based on your employment? Then you have already obtained your Hungarian work permit. Awesome! Now here are some simple rules to abide by while you are living and working in Hungary.

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Cégkapu: What is the “company gate” in Hungary and why do I need it?

The “company gate” is an electronic storage where official mail sent to your company is always accessible. Whenever you get an official letter, a notification is sent to your indicated email address. You can then log in to the company gate and view the message.

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Find workforce in Hungary for your European company

All right, you have opened your EU company in Hungary. But where to find skilled workforce to make it a success? Read our guide and let us help.

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Company formation in Central Europe – Comparing Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic

When you are starting business in Europe, it might not be obvious where you want to set up your company. This short comparison of company formation in Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Albania might be able to set you on the right track.

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Whitelist the email domain and get all our letters on time

Whitelisting is especially important with business partners who are likely to send you attachments and links, since these items might trigger the protective algorithms of mailing programs to mark a letter as spam, even if the sender is not included in their blacklist of scammers.

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Corporate work permit for your employees in Hungary

When moving your operation to Hungary, you might want to move some of your employees as well. They will need Hungarian residency with work permit – which you can easily get for them with our help.

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