Hungarian Company Formation

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How to reclaim VAT at your Hungarian company

Your Hungarian company will most likely be a VAT subject, which means you will have to add VAT, or Value Added Tax to your sales. You will also be paying VAT on your purchases, but you will be able to reclaim VAT later. VAT in Hungary When you are making purchases on Hungary, the sales …

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Set up an EU company as a guest investor

You can become an EU resident and gain visa-free access to the EU if you set up a company in Hungary. Alternatively, if you become a Hungarian resident first, you can more easily set up a company and start trading in the EU. The Hungarian guest investor program offers an excellent opportunity for that. Business …

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Choose the right name for your Hungarian business

When you set up your business in Hungary, your company will need a name which clearly identifies it and which distinguishes it from competitors. A Hungarian company name must be unique, correct, and appropriate. What does that mean? Read on to find out.

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New immigration law in Hungary – Will it affect your business setup?

Hungary has introduced a new immigration law that came into force on 1 January 2024. It will not affect Hungarian company setup, which will remain available to all nationalities. However, it will affect residency applications for the managing director, the employees, and their family members.

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Budget for the payroll costs at your Hungarian company

Before you make your first hire at your Hungarian company, consider the payroll costs you will incur through their employment. Read on to learn about minimum wages, payroll taxes, and company costs.

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Invoices in Hungary: How to create and manage invoices?

Your Hungarian company is required to track its incoming and outgoing payments. Your taxes are calculated based on these, and transactions must be recorded. Incoming payments are recorded on invoices in Hungary – read on to learn how that works.

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Labor contract at your Hungarian company

When are you planning to make the first hire at your Hungarian company? Your new employee will need a labor contract that defines the employment relationship between the two of you, and protect the rights of both the employer and the employee. Let’s take a closer look at how that works.

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The share of foreign-owned companies on the Hungarian market

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office publishes reports regularly about various topics, including the developments in Hungarian economy. Read a short summary of the latest reports to see how foreign-owned companies are doing in Hungary, and that Hungary has room for your business too.

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Why it is worth employing students at your Hungarian company

Is your Hungarian company in need of some extra work force? Do you have recurring or seasonal tasks that would not warrant for a full-time employee? Consider employing students as a flexible and cost-effective solution.

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