Hungarian Investment Immigration Program

Investment citizenship in Georgia

Many countries offer investment immigration programs to international businessman who wish to relocate with their family, ease the way for their business, or just want to enjoy the advantages of their new passport and travel visa-free in the region. Now Georgia will offer an investment citizenship program.

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Invest in Hungary and get your European passport now!

The Hungarian Investment Immigration program is up until the end of March, 2017. Apply now, or check out the other options available for investors who want to immigrate to Europe and start business here.

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Hungarian Residency Bond Program suspended from April 2017

According to a statement released by the Government Debt Management Agency, the issuing of the Hungarian Residency Bonds will soon be placed on moratorium. Consequently, the Hungarian Immigration Office will only accept Residency Bond applications submitted before March 31st, 2017.

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Retire in Europe

Do you want to enjoy your retirement under mild climate, in a safe environment and stable economy? Retire in Europe and enjoy the good infrastructure and high culture.

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How to immigrate to Europe from the US?

If you want to visit Europe, you only need your passport, and you will be granted entry to the Schengen zone without questions. However, if you would come to stay, that’s a different story.

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Residence Permit vs. Work Permit: Understanding the Difference

Hungary is extremely welcoming to newcomers, but it is important to follow all of the regulations to the letter. Depending on the circumstances of your immigration, you might need a residence permit, a work permit, or both.

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Understanding the Hungarian Investment Immigration Program

A booming economic hub centrally located in Europe’s Schengen Zone, Hungary has become one of the most-visited locations on the planet. With a rich and highly diverse cultural scene, universal healthcare, and easy connections to the rest of Europe, Hungary also offers numerous benefits to business owners.

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Investment opportunities in Hungary – with your most trusted Helpers!

After more than ten years in business, we have finally reached the point where we can already offer investment opportunities in fully fledged service packages. Join a franchise, buy real estate, or get residency through your investment.

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Hungarian permanent residency program getting even more attractive

You may know that Hungarian residency bond program is one of the most popular programs in Europe. Hungarian parliament has just passed the law with the following main changes beneficial for investors.

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Best Golden Visa program in Europe gets even better?

Unhindered, free travel around Europe is a serious asset to international businessmen who (wish to) engage in trade in the European Union. The Hungarian Golden Visa program with its fast track residency – and thus fast track Schengen visa – offers just that. And now the program might become even more attractive.

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