Sooner or later, the life cycle of every company comes to an end. It may happen for several reasons: the owner might just want to move on to other, more profitable ventures, or even to retirement, or a market change might be causing the business to become less profitable or downright generate losses. In either …
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If you operate a Hungarian company, you will need an accountant to take care of booking incoming and outgoing invoices, do the payroll administration of your employees, and report data to the Hungarian Tax Authority. But who can be your accountant in Hungary? Let us clear it up for you! Why do you need an …
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In Hungary, data of any company are registered with the Company Registry, and it is the owner’s or the executive’s responsibility to keep those data up to date. Some changes can be simply reported, but changes to core data require a more complex procedure called company modification. Learn what these are, and how to handle …
Company modification in Hungary Read More »
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The registered seat service is relevant for companies. It is most like a rental service, where a provider offers your Hungarian company an address it can use as its own. The forwarding representative is relevant for the persons owning and operating the company.
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The end of May is an important time in the life of Hungarian companies. Yearly reports and taxes must be submitted by 31 May. Are you ready for the year-end closing? Year-end closing and annual reporting For most Hungarian companies, the fiscal year is the same as the calendar year. After the end of their …
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hen you set up a company in Hungary, it will need a name that distinguishes it from other ventures. Learn what the compulsory elements of a company name in Hungary are, and choose the perfect name.
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Since the UK has left both the European Union and the Customs Union, the UK is now officially a third country. In line with this, trading regulations has changed radically after Brexit. Read our quick guide to get up to date.
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Every Hungarian company must have a local bank account, which you can only open in person. In a previous article, we explained what Hungarian banks expect from foreigners and how you can prepare for your bank appointment and the KYC procedure. This time, we focus on the arrangements that should make your bank account opening …
Bank account opening: planning your trip to Hungary Read More »
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If you are setting up a company in Hungary, you will need a corporate bank account. Over the last few years, bank policies have changed, so bank account opening in Hungary for your company as a foreigner has various aspects you should be aware of if you want the process to be smooth and swift. …
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In the 21st century, you rightly expect administration to be available online as well as in person. And it is! Hungary has customer portals operated by the government that give you access to electronic administration – both as an individual and as the manager of a Hungarian company. Learn about them with us. Electronic administration …
Client Gate and Company Gate: the customer portals for e-administration Read More »
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