Business Solutions

GDPR: Stronger data security regulations in the EU from May 25

Are you the owner of a company that does business in the EU? Whether your company or your partner and clients are from the EU, the new data security regulation (GDPR) is relevant for you. Learn what you should do to keep compliant with the new EU regulation.

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Fastest incorporation in Europe

When you have a business idea you want to make reality, you don’t want to waste time with unnecessary administration. Hungary offers the fastest company incorporation procedure in Europe. Have your company incorporated in just a few days Founding a limited liability company in Hungary only takes 2-3 business days. Our lawyers prepare all necessary […]

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What documents are required for company formation in Hungary?

Your passport is the only document you need to bring. For nationals of many European countries, an ID card might be enough. However, be sure to check with us in advance if this applies to you.

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Easy company formation in Europe

Hungary has the fastest company formation procedure in Europe. In just 1-3 business days, you can have your Hungarian company with an immediately active EU VAT number. You can also start the incorporation procedure from your country of residence.

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Setting up a Hungarian Company

Setting up a company in Hungary is fast and uncomplicated. We will walk you through the process in detail in this post. Rest assured, we’ve got your back!

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6 benefits of a Hungarian company

With so many countries to choose from, which one is the best for setting up your European company? Let us tell you about the 6 benefits that incorporating a company in Hungary comes with.

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Should I buy a ready-made company in Europe?

Buying a ready-made company is a great way to enter a new market. However, if your goal is simply to enter the EU, it might be a lot easier, faster and cheaper to set up a company from scratch. Learn more and decide for yourself what is best for your current situation.

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Limited Liability Company: LLC in Europe, Hungary

One of the most popular forms of business for small and medium sized companies is a limited liability company (LLC or LTD). Hungarian LLCs offer several advantages: uncomplicated and fast setup, low taxes and a relatively small share capital. In addition, the ownership and management structure is open for all.

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Advantages of a limited liability company in Hungary

A limited liability company, commonly abbreviated LLC or LTD, is a widely popular form of business. Here are all the advantages of setting up a limited liability company in Hungary.

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Fringe benefits in Hungary – Cafeteria 2018

Apart from salary, employees can receive a “non-salary compensation”. The various fringe benefits or cafeteria elements offer more favorable taxation options than regular salary – this is why many employers decide to offer cafeteria to their employees.

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