Helpers Hungary

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Municipal elections in Hungary 2019 – Are you eligible to vote?

If you are eligible for voting at the municipal elections, you were automatically added to the list of local voters when you registered your address. This means you have received a letter from the local government stating the time and date of the elections, together with the venue where you can cast your vote.

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Immigrate to Europe from South Africa

In Hungary, you can buy property regardless of nationality. Whether you want to buy real estate for rental purposes, as the headquarters of your business, or as a home for your family, you will find that Hungary offers attractive options, for fraction prices compared to Western Europe.

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How to reduce payroll taxes in Hungary in 2019?

Employ disadvantaged workers and reduce the payroll taxes your Hungarian company pays to make your Hungarian operation more cost-effective.

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Hungarian company formation trends in 2019

Hungarian company formation was more popular in the first quarter of 2019 than anytime since 2014. The increasing number of incorporations, together with a recent decrease in the number of company dissolutions shows a positive trend altogether.

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Working time in Hungary

Working time refers to the time your employee spends working for your company. In Hungary, working hours are limited to 40 hours a week. However, the distribution of those working hours might vary.

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Salaries and Payroll Taxes in H2 2019, Hungary

As of 1 July 2019 the Employer’s payroll tax decreased from 21% to 19%. This is thanks to the decrease of the social contribution tax from 19.5% to 17.5%, as it is a major element of the payroll tax (the other is the vocational training contribution tax at 1.5%).

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Employment and labor law in Hungary

While you have great freedom in what tasks to assign to your employees, you should get familiar with the most important aspects of the labor law before making your first hire at your Hungarian company.

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Investment residency in Malta – now with a financing option

Getting residency by investment is a simple way for getting visa-free access to new countries or for securing a second home for yourself and your family. In Europe, the investment residency program of Malta is among the most popular ones. Now it also offers a financing option for investors.

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Repatriate to Hungary – Get citizenship by ancestry

Anyone whose parents, grandparents or other ancestors were Hungarian citizens can easily repatriate to Hungary thanks to the option of getting citizenship by ancestry. Are you eligible?

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How to prepare for a job interview – as a managing director?

We post the job ad on the most popular platforms, and filter candidates for you, so you only have to spend time with the most promising candidates. But what to ask from candidates at the interview? Let us share with you a few tips regarding what to expect from strong candidates.

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