
Hungarian people in the U.S. eligible for Hungarian citizenship

Currently more than 1.4 million people living in the U.S. consider themselves Hungarian. Thanks to the Citizenship Act of Hungary, most of them are eligible for Hungarian citizenship, and with that, for a passport that grants visa-free travel to 185 countries around the world.

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Do you need an immigration lawyer in Hungary?

When planning to apply for Hungarian residency or citizenship, many people start looking for an immigration lawyer. However, you do not necessarily need a lawyer just for your application; you might be better off with the expert help of an immigration agency that can provide comprehensive service.

The post Do you need an immigration lawyer in Hungary? appeared first on HELPERS.

Job description in Hungary

Every employee at your Hungarian company must have a job description. This is a separate document that details their actual tasks, which you must give your employees within 15 days after they start.

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Join our free webinar on Hungarian citizenship on 27 June 2023

Do you have questions about how you could gain Hungarian citizenship? Now is your chance to ask an expert. Join a session with one of our experts on YouTube, ask your questions in the chat module, and learn everything you want to know.

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Regular naturalization in Hungary

Naturalization is the official term for obtaining citizenship. The more ties you have to Hungary, the sooner and easier you can become a citizen. However, eventually you become eligible even if your only tie is living here; that is when we talk about regular naturalization.

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Top 10 fun facts you REALLY need to know about driving in Hungary!

Are you planning to start driving in Hungary? Or are you already driving? Then make sure you know the most important differences between driving in Hungary and in other countries.

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Ballagás: the Hungarian take on the high school graduation ceremony

Graduating from high school is a big milestone in life, which has to be celebrated. Of course, Hungarians have their own way of doing it: in a formal event, when students tour the school building together one last time, and then they are congratulated by their teachers, family, and friends. Read on to learn how that works.

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What is quiet quitting and how does it affect your employees in Hungary?

Quiet quitting is a new term that started circulating over the last year or so. It refers to employees doing the bare minimum at their job, as if they were already considering quitting – a behavior that gives rise to frustration among employers. What can you do against it? Get a better idea below.

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How much time does it take to become an EU citizen by descent?

If you are looking for an EU passport, you might start by taking a look at your family tree. Many EU countries offer citizenship if one or more of your ancestors were local citizens. The procedure varies country by country, meaning not only requirements but also processing time.

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Employment rates and work permits in 2023 Hungary

The Hungarian Immigration Office has recently published its 2022 summaries, while the Hungarian Central Office of Statistics regularly publishes data about employment rates and empty positions. Get an overview of the latest data, and see what that means for your Hungarian business.

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