
European Golden Visa programs attacked in the EP

Golden Visa programs around the world provide an attractive opportunity to obtain residency or citizenship in a given country in exchange for an investment. Now, on 30 May the European Parliament debated the controversies of the European Golden Visa programs.

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Will the European Parliament blow Golden Visa programs?

The European Parliament has recently debated Golden Visa programs in the EU. These programs fall into the jurisdiction of each member state, and let international investors get European citizenship or residency in a fast track procedure. However, since they are relevant to the whole population of the European Union, the topic needed to be addressed […]

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Immigrate to Europe from Hong Kong – Choose Hungary!

Living in Hong Kong? Would love to move to Europe, but not sure how? Just buy property in Hungary, and you are already here! Buy real estate in Hungary Set up a company for property management Get Hungarian residency and visa-free access to Europe It’s that simple! Contact us now! About Hungary Hungary lies at […]

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Greek Golden Visa to expand: more than just real estate

The Greek Golden Visa is among the cheapest and simplest investment residency programs in Europe. If you invest in Greek real estate at least EUR 250,000, you can apply for Greek residency, and can receive your permit within just 6 weeks. Now the scope of investment might be expanded. Foreign investment in Greece While the […]

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Immigrating from the Middle East to Portugal

Portugal, located in the very south-west of Europe, boasts a Mediterranean climate, 3000 hours of sunshine a year and 850 km of beaches, making it a popular holiday destination. The country is not only attractive to short-term visitors, however: a favorable business environment and one of the fastest and most affordable European golden residency programs […]

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Study-to-work residence permit

A study-to-work residence permit is available to foreign students who are finishing their studies at a Hungarian university. It grants you 9 months of extended stay in Hungary after graduation. You can use this time to find a job or set up a company in order to become eligible for a long-term Hungarian residence permit.

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How affordable is second citizenship?

There are many reasons why you might want to get a second citizenship. Whether you are looking for visa-free travel around the world, a safe second home for your family, a secure investment, or easier access to international business, a second citizenship might be in fact an affordable option, saving you time, hassle, and money. […]

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Immigrating from Turkey to Malta

Malta is located in the Mediterranean region of Europe between Italy, Tunisia and Libya. Its strategic location means it has excellent air links to both continents as well as the Middle East. It has also endowed the country with a rich historical heritage including Greek, Phoenician, Roman, Arabic, French and British influences. The whole world […]

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Easy Hungarian work-permit and residency for employees from Serbia and Ukraine

Operating a Hungarian company? Planning to employ workers from Serbia or Ukraine? Depending on their profession, your new employees might be able to apply for a Hungarian work permit and residency in a preferential procedure.

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Stay in Hungary after you graduate: “Study-to-work” residence permit

Are you studying in Hungary as an international student? Have you ever wondered if you could stay in Hungary after you graduate? Just find a work or start a business in Hungary – you have 9 month for that with the new “study-to-work” residence permit.

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