
How much time does it take to become an EU citizen by descent?

If you are looking for an EU passport, you might start by taking a look at your family tree. Many EU countries offer citizenship if one or more of your ancestors were local citizens. The procedure varies country by country, meaning not only requirements but also processing time.

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Employment rates and work permits in 2023 Hungary

The Hungarian Immigration Office has recently published its 2022 summaries, while the Hungarian Central Office of Statistics regularly publishes data about employment rates and empty positions. Get an overview of the latest data, and see what that means for your Hungarian business.

The post Employment rates and work permits in 2023 Hungary appeared first on Hungarian Work Permit.

Citizenship check: Can my Hungarian citizenship be revoked?

If you were not born a Hungarian citizen but acquired Hungarian citizenship through naturalization, the short answer is: yes, your Hungarian citizenship can be revoked. However, that can happen only under special conditions. If you did everything correctly, and especially if you live in Hungary, you have very little to worry about during a citizenship check.

The post Citizenship check: Can my Hungarian citizenship be revoked? appeared first on Hungarian Citizenship.

When do you need a Van der Elst visa?

If you have a Hungarian company with third-country nationals working for you in Hungary, they might need a Van der Elst visa when they are posted to another EU country. Get a quick overview of how that works.

The post When do you need a Van der Elst visa? appeared first on Helpers Hungary.

When do you need a Van der Elst visa?

If you have a Hungarian company with third-country nationals working for you in Hungary, they might need a Van der Elst visa when they are posted to another EU country. Get a quick overview of how that works.

The post When do you need a Van der Elst visa? appeared first on HELPERS.

No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023

After pandemic related restrictions have been phased out (and have not been reintroduced over some time), the Hungarian government has determined that there is no more need for immunity cards, so they will not print any more of them.

The post No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023 appeared first on Helpers Hungary.

No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023

After pandemic related restrictions have been phased out (and have not been reintroduced over some time), the Hungarian government has determined that there is no more need for immunity cards, so they will not print any more of them.

The post No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023 appeared first on HELPERS.

15 March in Hungary: an important national holiday

While Hungary has 13 bank holidays, 15 March is arguably the most prominent for many. It commemorates the start of the revolution of 1848 and 1849, and with it, the love for freedom of the Hungarian people.

The post 15 March in Hungary: an important national holiday appeared first on Hungarian Citizenship.

Henley Passport Index 2023: Hungary still in Top 10

This year again, Hungary ranks in the Top 10 of the Henley Passport Index, making it one of the most desired passports around the world. Read on to learn what that means and how you can take advantage of it.

The post Henley Passport Index 2023: Hungary still in Top 10 appeared first on Helpers Hungary.

Henley Passport Index 2023: Hungary still in Top 10

This year again, Hungary ranks in the Top 10 of the Henley Passport Index, making it one of the most desired passports around the world. Read on to learn what that means and how you can take advantage of it.

The post Henley Passport Index 2023: Hungary still in Top 10 appeared first on HELPERS.