
Hungary rejects global minimum tax

The introduction of global minimum corporate tax would be a major update to international tax rules. While the idea has been gaining momentum, some countries are against it. But how would this global minimum tax work? Where does Hungary stand? And most importantly: will your Hungarian business be affected?

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Subsidiaries and other forms of business in Hungary

A foreigner looking to start a company in Hungary can be perplexed by the many forms of business offered by the country. The most popular one is undoubtedly the Ltd (Kft in Hungarian), but there are many more, each with different benefits and limitations.

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Taxes for affiliated SMEs in Hungary

Do you own, manage or do business with multiple SMEs in Hungary? They may be considered affiliated undertakings, which can affect taxation depending on the circumstances. The regulation seems complex, but Helpers Finance is here to help. In this blog post, we explain all you need to know. What is an affiliated undertaking? In Hungary, …

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Subsidiary, branch office and commercial representative office in Hungary

When you want to start doing business in Hungary, you might want not to create an individual LLC but set up an outpost of your foreign company, which can be a branch office or a commercial representative office.

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Controlled Foreign Corporation or CFC laws in Hungary

CFC laws in general, alongside double taxation treaties, control how and where income from foreign companies should be taxed.

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Set up a subsidiary in Europe to your international company

Several international corporations choose Hungary to set up a subsidiary in Europe, giants like IBM or Microsoft among them. The most attractive features of the country are low taxes, affordable operation costs, a central location in the EU and full Schengen access.

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